Today is yesterday's tomorrow.
The yetzarim a person has the most trouble dealing with are his most powerful God-given tools for developing his potential and achieving shleimus. It doesn't matter how big the number is, only that today it is going up by one. Please feel free to reach out. I'd appreciate connecting with you (via GYE, email, or phone - whatever floats your boat) A little about me: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/412971-I-Want-to-Help-Others |
guardyoureyes.com/forum/4-On-the-Way-to-90-Days/375452-Work-in-progress The Battle of the Generation by Hillel S. has been a huge help for me. Message me to find out how you can receive a free copy. some of the experiences I write about may make it easier to identify me. This is ok. I trust that if anyone discovers my identity they will keep it to themselves. If you do realize that you know me, I am completely comfortable and welcome you acknowledging me and my struggle in person. |
Links: TBOTG (and a peirush); F2F Program; Hall of Fame thread; Dov's 12 Step Workshop recordings; Welcome New Members; Muttel's Bochur Schmooze; The Easy-Peasy book; The Big Book (a pdf version) (and the White); Markz's compilation thread; Accountability relationships;
Me: My trip. Please feel free to reach out. CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE VAAD PROJECT. HERE is an explanation of the Project. |
Today is yesterday's tomorrow.
The yetzarim a person has the most trouble dealing with are his most powerful God-given tools for developing his potential and achieving shleimus. It doesn't matter how big the number is, only that today it is going up by one. Please feel free to reach out. I'd appreciate connecting with you (via GYE, email, or phone - whatever floats your boat) A little about me: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/412971-I-Want-to-Help-Others |
"The best filter is the one you don't test"-Dov
Dov talks audio library: guardyoureyes.com/tools/kosher-isle/shiurim/category/dov-s-recovery-talks My Introduction: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/412126-Me Email: jewizard22@gmail.com |
You can win the fight, but I'll have to live with the loser.
Any excuse you use for yourself, you must be willing to use for your wife. Not Always can I understand others, but I can always respect their wishes. You're human, it's okay. One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other. |
Feel free to email me at amevakesh23@gmail.com
You can win the fight, but I'll have to live with the loser.
Any excuse you use for yourself, you must be willing to use for your wife. Not Always can I understand others, but I can always respect their wishes. You're human, it's okay. One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other. |
Feel free to reach out and say hi!
proudyungerman@gmail.com 406-219-8398 Please join me in my quest to finish Sefer Tehillim on Purim for all our fellow brethren: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/410550-Finish-Sefer-Tehillim-on-Purim?limit=15&start=15#432284> My Journey: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/406231-The-Real-Me |