chaimoigen wrote on 29 Oct 2024 21:09:
Hey, welcome back, I guess.
I also have the feeling of being trapped in cold sludgy ploddingness. Unfortunately, in my case it is because I’m dealing with all sorts of painful stuff that I can’t share outside of with my wife, who ain’t doin so great.
Do you know what it is that is making you feel so miserable? And does the porn help in specific ways aside from being a lovely distraction? Identifying where a need is coming from can be helpful…
Here’s a clammy hand… I’m trying to warm up a bit…
I hope today was better.
Assistant (to the) regional manager Oigen, sorry to hear about your wife and your situation. I hope things get better soon.
An outstanding question you've asked. A close friend asked me the same question after YT (a real, live person). There's some confusion; perhaps writing it down might shed some light.
The rational person in me knows that porn, like any other drug, is a way of numbing, or as you put it, distracting. But another voice in me (not sure if it's the addict or another rational guy - there's quite the party in there) says that, unlike cocaine or heroin, porn has another element in addition to its numbing factor. And that is the story it tells.
A childhood abuse victim/survivor can watch a movie like Forrest Gump or Good Will Hunting and feel validated. They might want to come back and watch it again because of how it validates their experience of life. I feel like there's a similar element in porn. There's a certain vulnerability that I wish I'd have (but am not putting in the work to obtain it) - and I'm not talking specifically about in the bedroom - that's portrayed in the videos I usually seek out. If what I just posited is true, then I'd say it's more than just a distraction.
Now, before the peanut gallery patrons start starts telling me that porn is not authentic, it's staged, these people are broken, yada yada yada. I know. Forrest Gump was also staged.