Mount whitney wrote on 14 Mar 2021 19:04:
the problem is what am i supposed to tell myself my wife is prettier?(she's not) how do i cope with the thoughts, even if i dont actually look, they are still there. thank you so much
Hi, welcome again. I think we briefly chatted on the intercom thingy. Regardless, allow me to rant for a moment, but hopefully short.
Firstly, imi anochi b'tzarah - for years - just take a look at my two threads.
Secondly, this is a topic that I have spoken to many fellows about over the years, and several of them in the past few months.
Let's start with Rashi from the Tanchuma in Vayakhel. There might be several girsaos, but one says: the women brought mirrors to their husbands and looked together; she said, "I am prettier than you," - he said, "I am prettier than you," and that brought them to tayvah, etc. I'm not big into usin' the Torah, especially the history part, to compare or contrast to nowadays, but this is seemingly pretty weird! No? If we'd be writin' it, or scriptin' the story, we'd say, I think - she said, "look at me; I'm so much prettier than Zevulun's wife," and maybe he'd counter with his looks or somethin' else, but the story we have is kinda bizarre.
Be it what it may, I see one thin' (and I actually saw this even in a different pshat in rashi, but it might not be the accurate one), and that is that the husband/wife got together and communicated about looks and appearances, and this promoted love, desire, intimacy and sex. Now there must've been some overweight women there, and there must've been some obese men, and some were bald, and some had crooked noses, and others probably were flat chested, and I'm sure some had bad breath and some were missin' teeth, etc., but somehow, they all came home with their own spouses and made passionate love.
My message: there are prettier women out there, many are sexier and wear nicer clothin', but there is one thin' about your wife that only she has, and no other model, baalabaste, perutzah, shiktzah, knock-out, has, and that is that she is yours and only yours. Every inch of her body, even the fattier portions are yours and nobody else's. Yes, it's important to get clean somewhat and be calm and content, and I can't force you or compel you to love your wife - maybe you do, but ultimately she is yours.
In my younger years, I thought that my wife's body was mine and it belonged to me, and so, I made her uncomfortable, for I was constantly pressurin' her, but now (after years of hard work), when she's in the mood (which is a different topic), she enjoys the fact that I feel that her body is mine; that excites her, and me as well - although she won't win any modelin' contests (and stupidly, when she would've won those contests, I behaved like a hungry lion).
Make any sense?