Redeemed @ 21 wrote on 04 Sep 2017 10:51:
Hey Everyone!!!
I posted on GYE once b4 around pesach time, I was clean for around a month. Then every 3, 4 days. Unfortunately, not fully understanding how to work it. I started in middle of the handbook with giving it enough clear thought. This past Tuesday, 6 days after a build up of a few weeks of gaining understanding, I spoke with a mentor I am close with. Restarted the 90 day challenge taking it one moment at a time. And set up a taphsic method I can work with. At the same time, I listened to recordings, about gender wholeness and realized that my whole life is based on mispercieved on who I am, what they are 2 society and how somehow we both are still part of society.
my question is as follows: Am I royally doomed and should start right away with something like 12 steps right away or realizing that b4 pesach, I used to masturbate like 5, 6 times a day. Now I have slowed down considerably. So I am getting somehere, yes I do have guilt/ charata not shame?
seeing myself in a different light, I have been clean for the last 6 days thus far. I do, however still have fantasies about acting out I did in the past.
what does all the above mean, I am open to suggestions, ideas and like and that is why I came here.
one more thing that I want to mention the Chasam Sofer in this past weeks parsha about submitting oneself to Hashemi ( like step 1) and that is how haba ltaher works, you can't battle anything yourself, not just lust. Without God the yetzer hara who is the malach hamaves. Would have killed us already.
once again thank you for your insight
The mentor has sexaholicsm recovery experience?