Three years ago, as a struggling teenager, I found this site.
Here's my first and only post:
I've been off to Yeshiva Gedola since, and much of my life has moved on.
But not everything...
Need I say more.
To make a long story short, I stopped dorming at the end of winter zman (for unrelated reasons) and am now at home every night, which changes the game.
After three years of occasionally dabbling in this sort of thing, I've finally decided.
This has to stop, and it has to stop now.
So I started the GYE program, with a new account (I have at least 2 or 3 others. Keeping track of login credentials for secondary email accounts is complicated).
But now I've just hit a thorny problem on the filter step.
The device in question is practically antique.
The iPad 1st gen that has been the michshol is technically unfilterable. iOS 5.
For various reasons, I cannot have Safari blocked in restrictions. The device is still used by members of my family.
Our ISP, Bezeqint, does not appear to have an option for ISP/router level content filtering.
(I did install a filter on our router, but I can easily bypass it)
Essentially, I'm left with this semi-filtered device that I can easily penetrate.
(It should be noted that, given my technical proficiency, It is doubtful whether any sort of filter could keep me out for very long)
What should I do?