Guys I need some help. I slipped, or fell probably. I was just flipping through the channels on the tv, not really watching anything when subconsciously I must have started to m*. Not to anything really, I guess just out of old habits that I realize I haven't broken yet. It has happened before, but I've always stopped before it went anywhere. This time I didn't stop in time. So as much as it hurts me, I just took myself off the wall of honor at 146 days clean. I have signed up for a new 90 days chart and will bezras Hashem be back on the the wall right after Rosh Hashana. I know that that shouldn't be the goal, but it’s a great motivator.
It sucks that I fell and there are many emotions running through me right now. I'm upset with myself that I fell, upset to have lost the streak (whatever that's worth!) but mostly because I wanted to have kicked the habit cold turkey and now I haven't. However, I still went 146 days! Longer than any streak in recent memory by a long shot, I still haven't looked at porn, so that part of sobriety continues. I also realize that I am only human, and because of that this fall, a fall of stupidity and boredom, makes me think deeply. In the beginning of my journey I would ask Hashem for 3 things every time I'd daven, sobriety, a job and a wife (at the right time). Recently I've noticed that this has stopped, I thought I had 2 of the 3 (sobriety and a new job) and I wasn't really focus on the third as I am very busy with work now. However, what He gives He can take, and I have to remind myself that those 146 days were a gift from Him as well as a sneak preview of what my life can and should look like. You know I thought that if I ever broke my streak it would really bum me out, but right now I'm strangely content with my life. I have a problem and I have to retrain my body and mind from all the subconscious mannerisms and things that I do without realizing it. It’s not easy by any means and I only hope and pray that I’ll be successful.
I also realize that even though I’m porn-free, I still have to be more careful of what I look at. Whether it be in TV shows/ movies or Facebook or anywhere else I may see devarim assurim. I guess the hard part is knowing how to draw the line. Where is the cut off where do I say this is the limit and no further? Is it a religious thing or is it across the board? When I first started with sobriety, I found myself hyper sensitive to any mention of sex, porn or masturbation. As my time sober progressed (and it was only a few months), I found myself determining boundaries for myself, like I can handle this, or only this is too far. But tonight has taught me that I have to be more careful with what I look at, even some pictures (non-pornographic) are too much. However, I still deal with an issue that many of us feel, we want to be normal, I don’t want to have to live with blinders on for the rest of my life. How do I find a level of balance?
Another thing that I am proud of myself for is my attitude towards sexualizing women. I never really had a problem with lusting after every female I saw, but working on myself these past few months as well as discussions with my therapist have taught that everyone is human, every girl is someone’s daughter/sister/mother. They are real people and we have no right to even think about them in any other way. (Those on the internet are another discussion, if you know what I mean.) I think that this has stuck with me. So although I have “fallen”, I have learned so much from my first 146 and wil continue to daven, work and do my best for the rest of my 120.