Markz wrote on 29 Jun 2016 02:14:
Dovs Megilla on the previous page is appropriate reading year round
The following is noteworthy from today's chizuk email
c-The prohibition (of entering a Church) is suspended when dealing with a life-threatening (Sakono) situation i.e. addiction.
Markz, do we need to bring up the can you be mechalel Shabbos to help your addiction question again? All I see from Rabbi Kaganoff is that if one's addiction is life threatening, then they can violate issurim. When is it life threatening? Porn and mastrbation? No way. Phone sex, video chats? No way. Live acting out with risk of disease? Probably. Drug addiction and alcohol? Most likely.
But it is such a complicated question- and I say this not as a lay person but as having learned hilchos Shabbos בעיון רב with the sugyos, טור בית יוסף שולחן ערוך משנה ברורה פוסקים under a very prominent and world renown posek. Dov says some allow it- let each person ask a sheila. For the record, I ised to attend 12 step meetings in the sanctuary.