simchastorah wrote on 15 Nov 2024 07:49:
Day 12.
Thanks @chaimoigen for sharing your article. I very much relate to what you wrote there. You divided your article into two points and I agree with both of them. I have thought about the first point, and have always thought about it as being in a state of passivity in which you relinquish control and allow your רצון (in the negative sense) to just become בפועל immediately.
The second point also is one I have thought about. The way that I look at it is a form of fake חיות. True חיים is an experience of perpetual התחדשות like the לשון of מים חיים. A person has a deep need to be experiencing continual התחדשות. The healthy expression of that is through being productive, being מחדש in תורה, etc. The computer, and especially the internet, give an experience of חיים מזוייפים, a flow of התחדשות which is completely external and empty, but hits the התחדשות neurons (or whatever) and convinces you you're really living. But you never really live from that, and you need another video another video another video. While the internet is the strongest form of this fake חיים, I find that even the computer itself unconnected to the internet has this aspect to it. It's a dumb rock with zero חיות to it, but it gives the impression of being more alive than anything. It lights up, it responds, there's colors, וכו וכו. And using the computer itself sucks you in to this fake living.
And the truth is כל הרע כולו is really a fake living, some sort of יניקה from a חיות דקדושה. But the internet / computer seems to me to be a זה לעומת זה of the עצם החיים, and ממילא brings to all sorts of bad things.
I really really wish I could put an absolute stop to browsing the internet as you put it. In fact not long ago I installed a very restrictive filter that made anything 'fun' to look at on inaccessible. And I was really overjoyed and felt so free, to be able to just learn without any שמץ of פנייה towards the computer. But I was unable to work as long as I had that filter. And for 2 weeks I did not work at all, and my bank account is still feeling it. So I had to get rid of the filter, and immediately I was back at it, looking at the news. Looking at the news again. Checking כך וכך. Going on youtube. Listening to a podcast. I am dying to make that change that you have made (bh you should continue on your good path כי היא דרך החיים וודאי). But I have not been successful with it short of a very strong filter which blocks it, and I don't think it's an option. What I tried then was techloq. I still want to try other strong options, but I'm nervous after that last experience.
The GRA says exactly this. The zeh l'umas zeh of the infinite sweetness of Torah is devarim betailim. He doesn't explicitly mention the internet, but only because it wasn't around.
I have struggled so much with what you are describing. Days spent on nothing (in addition to the days spent on porn.)
Two suggestions. With Techloq you can add unlimited individual sites to your block list. You can then add someone (for free!) who will receive emails when you unblock a site. This has been
extremely helpful for me. The specific sites that really endlessly draw me in are blocked and unblocking them would be embarrassing. The sites I need for worked are open. It takes some setup time, but it's been very helpful.
What is also working right now for me (and I only started this after getting a little bit out of the mud) is a tapshich saying I will work a certain amount of hours prior to any personal recreational internet use (defined in a way that works for me. E.g. yes personal email because it's very hard for me not to check that.) If I break that then I pay a small knas. Having clearly defined hours to accomplish has been helpful. Would I be better off with no recreational use. Yes, but that's tufasta meruba.
I also thought control in this area was impossible. But with a little trial and error, careful planning and tons of siyatta dishmaya it's doable.
Happy to schmooze more about these if you want more details.