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I'm Back!
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A platform of recovery for Jews who find themselves struggling with addictions to pornography, masturbation or other sexual problems. Post anonymously about your struggles without fear of anyone finding out who you are. Ask questions, post answers and be inspired! Get tips and guidance from the experts who moderate this forum, as well as from fellow strugglers.

TOPIC: I'm Back! 7992 Views

Re: I'm Back! 12 Feb 2021 01:17 #363201

  • Hashem Help Me
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Mazel tov hero! Kein yirbu!
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com

My threads: Lessons Learned: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/335248-Lessons-Learned

                    My Story and G-d Bless GYE: guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/303036-My-story-and-G-d-bless-GYE

Re: I'm Back! 12 Feb 2021 04:43 #363208

  • realestatemogul
  • Current streak: 1290 days
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Keep up the great work!!! 

Re: I'm Back! 12 Feb 2021 20:01 #363248

  • determinedtowin
  • Current streak: 6 days
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Thanks guys!

B"H I did it! 30 days down!
Looking forward to a super frelichen Shabbos!
See you back here next week be"H!!

A freliechen Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh Adar to everyone!!
Determinedtowin (BE"H!)

Re: I'm Back! 14 Feb 2021 18:51 #363320

  • determinedtowin
  • Current streak: 6 days
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B"H had a great Shabbos. Looking forward to another great week be"H!

Again, my weekly reminder to self to not go anywhere on my computer that I would not want my wife to see and to stay connected and keep posting daily.

Purim is in the air, Purim is almost here!!  

(can someone show me how to post an emoji rolling his eyes for my corniness )

Have a great week ya'll,

Re: I'm Back! 14 Feb 2021 19:42 #363330

  • realestatemogul
  • Current streak: 1290 days
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(You can only use the GYE smileys which doesn't include a rolly eyes. this is the closest probably - )

Re: I'm Back! 16 Feb 2021 01:13 #363451

  • determinedtowin
  • Current streak: 6 days
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B"H another great day!

Today for some reason I got a few pssts from the Yetzer Hara. Nothing crazy, just little niggling urges here and there. B"H I was able to simply acknowledge them, be aware of them, and allow them to be without fighting them or engaging them. I just noticed the little nudges as they came and went and b"H I was able to get through my day without any issues. Be"H tomorrow will be a fresh new day I will be left alone, but be"H I will be okay with whatever tomorrow may bring.

I'll be keeping you posted!

Re: I'm Back! 16 Feb 2021 02:46 #363459

  • davidt
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DeterminedtoWin wrote on 16 Feb 2021 01:13:
B"H another great day!

Today for some reason I got a few pssts from the Yetzer Hara. Nothing crazy, just little niggling urges here and there. B"H I was able to simply acknowledge them, be aware of them, and allow them to be without fighting them or engaging them. I just noticed the little nudges as they came and went and b"H I was able to get through my day without any issues. Be"H tomorrow will be a fresh new day I will be left alone, but be"H I will be okay with whatever tomorrow may bring.

I'll be keeping you posted!

It's very impressive to see how you clearly identify your enemy...
Rav Avigdor Miller writes, that’s why Hakodosh Boruch Hu commanded Moshe Rabeinu to put the snake very high up on a pole – because that’s the opposite of what the yetzer hara wants.  He wants to be as low as possible, that nobody should see him.  Nobody should know of him.  That’s when he’s most effective.  He says, “Don’t talk about me.  I’m an anav.  I don’t want publicity.  My success is incognito.”  And so, “Put him on a high pole,” Hashem said.  “Let everybody see the peril, the sakanah, so that they can overcome it.”
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
feel free to reach out @  ahavayirah@gmail.com

Re: I'm Back! 17 Feb 2021 01:12 #363545

  • determinedtowin
  • Current streak: 6 days
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B"H great day today again! 35 days so far!! 

Chasdei Hashem the nudges from the Yetzer Hara were much less today. Still a little bit here and there, but not much. In the past, once I would get those nudges I would start to panic and fight them which would make them grow and become more of a chalois. The next day would be worse, and after a day or two it would be all over. B"H being able to notice the Y"H's cheppers and allow them to be without fighting them lets them come and go without growing and taking me over. Thank you Hashem! Be"H veiter!

Re: I'm Back! 18 Feb 2021 01:05 #363624

  • determinedtowin
  • Current streak: 6 days
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B"H doing great! 36 beautiful days of living b'kedusha so far! 

Re: I'm Back! 18 Feb 2021 01:56 #363629

  • grant400
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DeterminedtoWin wrote on 18 Feb 2021 01:05:
B"H doing great! 36 beautiful days of living!!!
(b'kedusha so far!)

Re: I'm Back! 18 Feb 2021 06:25 #363649

  • zedj
  • Current streak: 14 days
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DeterminedtoWin wrote on 18 Feb 2021 01:05:
B"H doing great! 36 beautiful days of living b'kedusha so far!

So nice to read these words!

One who has given up hope is without a G‑d.

One who sees hope in each day is already free

Re: I'm Back! 18 Feb 2021 23:56 #363723

  • determinedtowin
  • Current streak: 6 days
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Grant400 wrote on 18 Feb 2021 01:56:

DeterminedtoWin wrote on 18 Feb 2021 01:05:
B"H doing great! 36 beautiful days of living!!!
(b'kedusha so far!)

Well said Grant!
Another beautiful day of living!!
Thank you all for all your chizuk!
Last Edit: 18 Feb 2021 23:56 by determinedtowin.

Re: I'm Back! 19 Feb 2021 02:02 #363729

  • realestatemogul
  • Current streak: 1290 days
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Keep up the great work! 

Re: I'm Back! 19 Feb 2021 02:10 #363733

  • oivedelokim
  • Current streak: 95 days
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Keep up the determination.
And the winning.

Your a ⭐️ 
I am a bochur with a passion for meaning and truth, searching to remain clean and live a holy and fulfilling life.

If you are reading this-you have a friend in me.
Feel free to PM me and I'll share my offline contact information, so we can call and text. I'd be honored if you'd trust me with your story and promise to support you in any way I possibly can.
I've been on GYE for over 7 years. "I may walk slow, but I never walk back" (-Abraham Lincoln?).
(For the background and meaning of my username- see Tanya chapter 15).

My current thread 

Re: I'm Back! 19 Feb 2021 20:17 #363791

  • determinedtowin
  • Current streak: 6 days
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  • Posts: 120
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Thanks guys!

Thank you Hashem for another beautiful week of truly living!! Especially since I had some niggles from the Y"H that I was able to leave alone and let them wash away without building up.

Looking forward to next week! Shevua shechal bo!!

A Freilchen Shabbos,
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