reallywanttobegood wrote on 15 Jun 2017 01:57:
With hashems help I have been clean since January. However recently I began a new job that necessetates
using the subway. I am finding it to be a tremendous struggle not to look at woman on the train especially during rush hour when the train is jam packed. In theory i know it would be a great idea to distract myself somehow with a shiur, speech, Music etc..., however i find it to not be practical in my case, as I use three subway lines each for 10mins max, coming on the heels of a 1.5 hr bus ride, thus breaking up any continuity necessary for focus.
I would appreciate comments and suggestions.
My head can easily keep lust in mind whatever the situation
I try to listen to lectures that are highly entertaining.
Alternately you could go around and hand FREE TOWING bumper stickers to each guy/gal on the train. That may do the trick
When you have a free moment (on the subway of course) could you share how you made it here since January