I am clean for over 180 days, thank G-d. I use the forum, the 90 Day chart, I spend time reading and listening on the topic. I also spend much more time with my kids and family. Keeping myself busy, trying to daven with minyen, going to my shiur are all helping me, but th...
A must hear shiur by Rabbi Shafier from theshmuz.com for the days of repentance.
Recorded especially for GuardYourEyes!
GA - Guilt Anonymous
How to balance destructive guilt with real Teshuvah.
It's been hard recently. My wife and I have been "off" for about six weeks due to a change in medication, and it's been hard. I stumbled with computer stuff once or twice but I picked myself up and started again. I find it's about keeping to my own rules. If I am meikel,...
Why do I feel I need to act out?
What brought me to this point?
Have I been here before?
What did I do to deal with it?
How did I feel after dealing with it correctly?
What have I done to ease the discomfort so far?
What else can I do that won't be acting out?
How will I...
ראש חודש אלול. It's that time of year. When I usually sit down and write a list of everything I've done wrong. Of all the ways that I messed up. When I contemplate what a disappointment I've been to myself, my family, and those who don't even have any knowledge of h...
Dear Ladies, If you find that you cannot afford therapy or coaching while you are going to meetings or not.
Here's the best solution for you: A small community of support and Coaching / Counseling from an experienced Life/Addiction Coach.
With Miriam, who has done ex...
I have been a member of GYE for about 5.5 years. For the first two years, I was not able to get or stay sober. ( I even got once about 4.5 months but went back and couldn't stop).
After hitting a new low, I spoke with Dov, and I decided to join SA and, through working th...
Chuck said, "We can't think ourselves into right living. We can only live ourselves into right thinking." He was not pontificating, darshening, whatever. It was his bitter hard-learned experience that he was sharing, like what I write here on the forum. It's the only humb...
When You Caught Your Husband
Rabbi Shafier from theshmuz.com send us the above MP3 recording that he made and wrote to us as follows:
I often deal with women who find out that their husband was / is involved with pornography, and even though he is dealing with the pr...
Dear Scared!
Let me first commend your level-headedness, a quality that is exceedingly rare when it comes to relationships. You obviously have your head screwed on right and you are walking into this with your eyes wide open. So often people enter or avoid relationships...
I have close to 9 months sobriety, and I want to share this true story with you.
I had a job interview today, and, at the end of the interview, the CEO of the company gave me the job. The job is due to start next week. I was really up for taking him up on the offer, u...
Chazal say: בא חבקוק והעמידן על אחת, צדיק באמונתו יחיה– The prophet Chavakuk came and founded all the Mitzvos of the Torah up on one Mitzva: that of EMUNAH, as the Pasuk (in Chavakuk) says “The righteous one lives in his faith.” This means that all the mitzvos of the Tora...
Say Goodbye to Dangerous Youtube for Entertainment!
Three new kosher video clip websites on our Kosher Isle added here.
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If anyone still had doubts about the addictive dangers of pornography, Anthony Weiner should have put paid to them with his repeated, self-sabotaging sexting. And if anyone still doubted the devastation that porn addiction wreaks on those closest t...
I hate wet dreams and do not wish them on anyone. But here is what I have been given on that: I think it is a pretty much just silly pride for me to ever really buy the belief that a guy like me - no matter how much recovery work I ever do - really deserves to sleep free ...
ChaimYakov says:
"I did ask this question in person no less than 4 times to 4 different Rabbanim. The answers I got in order were: 1) You need to get married 2) You need to get rid of the Iternet 3) You need to talk to your Rav about this 4) You probably won't be able to...
I cannot tell you how much I enjoy the emails. I was struggling with an issue in regards to a movie I watched, and just reading the articles, of all the people that try so hard to be good Jews, was enough to help me.