JustKeepGoing wrote on 02 Aug 2012 22:09:
I was feeling the same way but Meir is right. Will give it a shot maybe
Well-meant, no doubt, but still funny.
Will give
what "a shot"? A daf for a day? Will give today's daf a shot? Whats the big gedillah (rhymes with megillah - did that for you HS!)?
Ella what...you may mean "give finishing shas with the daf yomi" a shot....Oh, that's the problem, and that's the "I guess" and the "shot", here. But why?
It's OK. Meir is right. Maybe the dafim you do will have some important limud for you or your neshomah in them - and
that is exactly what Hashem wants you to learn now, and no more of the daf yomi at all! Maybe you will be somewhere you need to be becs you are doing the 2 weeks you end up actually only doing of it, before yeshivah, etc come by and wash it away in other limudim - and that place fulfills a big, big tafkid of yours, or of somebody else's...who knows? Ein lanu eisek b'mistaros and haniglos lanu, that's all.
And accept what happens.
And move on.
You are geshmak!!
Lots of love,