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Thank you Hashem
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TOPIC: Thank you Hashem 51484 Views

Re: Thank you Hashem 01 Apr 2014 21:36 #229640

  • Dov
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And BTW, whats going on with Rubashkin's situation? And did you hear about Pollard's new stuff in the news?
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."

Re: Thank you Hashem 16 May 2014 21:38 #231999

  • ur-a-jew
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Thoughts on Parshas Bechokosai

Nomophobia or NoTophobia - The choice is yours

All of us are familiar with Rashi's explanation of the words אם בחוקתי תלכו that the Torah is demanding of us שתהיו עמלים בתורה. In an age when the distractions in life are at its peak, let alone the distractions from תורה and certainly from עמלות בתורה, being an עמל בתורה almost seems like an impossible and unattainable goal. But it is precisely in today׳s day and age when the distractions from תורה are so great that עמלות בתורה is attainable.
Rav Dessler says a יסוד that one of the principles on which the world is run is זה לעומת זה עשה אלקים. For every force for bad that there is in this world there is a countervailing force of good and vice versa. What that means is that if there is now a concept of nomophobia (the fear and anxiety associated with not having your mobile phone) then notophobia (the fear and the anxiety associated with not having Torah at your fingertips) should be at its highest. The only question therefore is how does one move from nomophobia to notophobia.

I believe that one solution is to go back to basics and I'd like to pose a challenge to anyone who is reading this. Just like most of us wouldn't think of going anywhere without our phones we should work on not going anywhere without our Torah. And the answer is not by putting Torah onto our phone. As Rav Reuven Feinstein observed, the possuk says כתבם על לוח לבך we should write the Torah on the tablet of our hearts not on our mobile tablets. One suggestion is by learning משניות בעל פה. Start with something simple like the first פרק of פרקי אבות and build from there. If you stick to this challenge you will be amazed at how life transforming this can be. For example, now when you are waiting on line with nothing to do you don't have to reach for your phone, instead you can learn a mishna or two and gain eternity.
Best of all unlike you phone you don't have to worry about the battery dying. So long as your breathing your Torah is there and you can be learning. There are other benefits as well. Many of us have minds clouded with the shmutz that we've been looking at for years and years. At downtimes these thoughts have a way of creeping into our mind. Now we can change the channel and subject. Thought pops up just start learning right where your standing. Consider it like a dishwasher for your brain.
So the next time your standing talking to yourself and someone asks you is everything okay? Just say "I'm alright it's just notophobia." Try it today!

Thank you Hashem for the brocha in my life. A wonderful Shabbos to all.
Help free Sholom Rubashkin by giving him the zechus of Shemiras Eiynayim.  www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=2809.0

Re: Thank you Hashem 17 Nov 2014 23:24 #243634

  • ur-a-jew
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I was able to go to the last day of the Agudah Convention and one thing I heard struck me. The speaker was discussing the matzav in Eretz Yisroel and the unfortunate "need to look left and right" when on the street for example at a bus stop making sure there was not c"v some terrorist crazy poised to attack.
I don't profess to know why Klal Yisroel is suffering from this particular tragedy now. I do know as the speakers said we have an obligation to partake in the tzorahs of acheinu bais yisroel, a particularly difficult task when we are thousands of miles away and "seemingly" not effected by it.
One thing however, I was thinking that we can do and which I have no doubt will help. If we are extra careful a what we "look at on the left and right" when we walk down the street, perhaps in that zechus it will help divert disasters from our brother, sisters and children in Eretz Yisroel as they walk down the street.
Thank you Hashem for another day and for bringing me back to the site.
Help free Sholom Rubashkin by giving him the zechus of Shemiras Eiynayim.  www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=2809.0

Re: Thank you Hashem 27 Mar 2015 20:04 #251412

  • ur-a-jew
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Chazal say "Ain Paraniyos Bah Lolam Eleh Bshvil Yisroel." I was thinking what message could Hashem be sending me by causing some copilot in Europe to crash a plane with 150 innocent passengers into a mountain side killing them all. I don't profess to know the ways of Hashem but a thought occurred to me. People are wondering how it could happen that someone will lock the world out and kill innocent victims but the reality is that we do it all the time. We lock ourselves into our room thereby shutting out the world and then we descend into the abyss. Too often the result can be not only crash landing our own lives but bringing down our innocent families as well. If only we would unlock the door and let in help, a catastrophe can be avoided and many people would be alive. 
We can't bring back the people that were killed but we all (hopefully myself included) can hear at least one of the messages and bring about a positive change from this disaster.  
Thank You Hashem for giving me a place to open the door to. 
Help free Sholom Rubashkin by giving him the zechus of Shemiras Eiynayim.  www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=2809.0

Re: Thank you Hashem 27 Mar 2015 20:09 #251413

  • SamJoe
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Wow! Nice lesson, I'm definitely happy to finally be and to open the door...

Re: Thank you Hashem 13 Oct 2015 21:29 #265861

  • ur-a-jew
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Thoughts on Parshas Breishis

כי שבעתיים יוקם-קין ולמך שבעים ושבעה

I saw a wonderful vort this week. The Torah describes how after Lemech killed Kayin and Tubal Kayin his wives refused to have sex with him and he argued to them that he should not be punished for the accidental deaths he caused using the following kal v'chomer: כי שבעתיים יוקם-קין ולמך שבעים ושבעה. If קין only got punished after 7 generations then I who acted unintentionally should not be punished for multiple 7 generations later. Rashi explains that Lemech's kal v'chomer was a foolish kal v'chomer since it would mean no one would ever get punished. Reb Nissim Alpert asks that if in fact it was a foolish kal v'chomer why is the Torah recording it. Answers Reb Nissim Alpert that Lemech was a very smart person. It was no accident that his 3 children were major innovators in all aspects of the world, cattle raising, metal works and music. If that's the case how could Lemech come to make such a foolish kal v'chomer. Explains Reb Alpert the Torah is coming to teach us the effect that lust can have on a person. A person can be a genius but when lusts kicks in, all the brains in the world go out the window.
The solution is that when we are under the influence of the lust drug our own judgment is useless and we have to turn to others, which is why I am grateful for GYE.

ולמה נפלו פניך

There ספורנו makes an important point. After the RBSO accepted Hevel's korban and not Kayin's Hashem came to Kayin and gave him a pep talk. The ספורנו elaborates on the statement "why are you so down?" Says the ספורנו:

ולמה נפלו פניך כי כשיש לקלקול איזו תקנה אין ראוי להצטער על מה שעבר אבל ראוי להשתדל להשיג תקון לעתיד

Says the RBSO the past is the past you cannot change it. BUT the future can be fixed and if you can fix it don't get down just work on fixing the problem for the future.

Thank You Hashem for a wonderful place like GYE
Help free Sholom Rubashkin by giving him the zechus of Shemiras Eiynayim.  www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=2809.0

Re: Thank you Hashem 24 Apr 2017 23:36 #311327

  • Shivisi_Hashem
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ur-a-jew wrote on 11 Oct 2013 19:51:
Thoughts on Parshas Lech Lecha

I saw the following story this morning and I was wondering what lesson is there in it.

Man who appeared in court is legally dead, judge says

An Ohio man who appeared in court on Monday is legally dead, a judge has ruled.
Donald Eugene Miller Jr. was declared dead in 1994, eight years after he disappeared from his home in Arcadia, the Courier reports. On Monday, Judge Allan Davis of Hancock County said Miller is still legally dead because a death ruling cannot be changed after three years have passed. UPI and Yahoo News noted the story.
Miller, 61, told the court he was an alcoholic and he left town because he lost his job and he was unsure what to do. He wants to reverse the death ruling so he can get a driver’s license and reinstate his Social Security number.
Miller's former wife, Robin Miller, opposed Miller’s attempt to reverse the ruling. She has been receiving Social Security death benefits for her children and she says she can’t afford to repay the money.

The Torah concludes last week's Parsha by stating that וימת תרח בחרן. Rashi explains that Terach had not really died, he was just legally dead in the eyes of the Torah. לפיכך קראו הכתוב מת שהרשעים אף בחייהם קרויים מתים. Yet, let say this legally dead person wants to come back to life. In the United States it appears he cannot. But the Torah is different. Hashem gave us a gift called Teshuva and it allows us to be Mechaya ourselves. Indeed, the Torah tells us that this is precisely what happened with Terach. The Torah tells us in this week's parsha that Hashem promised Avrohom ואתה תבוא אל אבותיך בשלום, explains Rashi Hashem informed Avrohom that Terach his father did teshuva. He may have been legally dead before but he did Teshuva and now he's alive again.
Most of us came here because we had overdosed ourselves on a drug called lust and we may have killed ourselves from it. But one can come back from the dead. We just can't let the opportunity slip our grasp.
Thank You Hashem for giving me the opportunity to come back, please help me live up to that potential. A wonderful Shabbos to all.

i just bumped into this, woo, that's a good one, a real chizuk, and actually when you became sober you feel like you become a new person. 
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כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעה"ז הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעמד בניסיון,  והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח ויישוב הדעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת מסילת ישרים
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