Hi All,
For the first time in 30 years - since I was 7 years old - I have been 79 days really clean. This is probably my best shot to 90 days and beyond, and I intend to keep at it. For several reasons I am having a bit of a struggle on this stretch, so instead of just browsing the GYE forum when I am not feeling down and not up to work/life, I am starting my own thread.
What works for me - Keeping a healthy lifestyle (as much as I can in a very challenging situtation), davening, turning over my issues to Hashem, acceptance, vayimaen videos on 24/6, gentech filter that sometimes makes me crazy, infrared light therapy to the eiver, and a lot of gratitude - even for the hard times.
Hashem is also giving me insanity therapy - that's when he makes your life absolutely insane so you have no menuchas hanefesh. No need to kvetch here but it is truly insane. It's probably necessary in order to forget חיזו דהאי עלמא.
No need for any pats on the back - that privilege is gone long ago. But I just need to share to keep my own focus and appreciation for my process. Thank you all for the shared journey!