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No Despair Allowed
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: No Despair Allowed 3487 Views

Re: No Despair Allowed 18 Sep 2024 13:08 #421789

Just picked up a big win. Proud of myself. 

The Counts
Clean Days: 0
Cumulative Clean Days (Since Jan 2020): 1400 days
"Yes" Count (Week of Ki Savo): 3
Cumulative "Yes" Count (Started Sept 2024): 33

Re: No Despair Allowed 19 Sep 2024 13:23 #421886

Here's to another day clean.

The Counts
Clean Days: 1
Cumulative Clean Days (Since Jan 2020): 1401 days
"Yes" Count (Week of Ki Savo): 3
Cumulative "Yes" Count (Started Sept 2024): 33

Re: No Despair Allowed 20 Sep 2024 13:18 #421974

Wishing everyone a good Shabbos.

The Counts
Clean Days: 2
Cumulative Clean Days (Since Jan 2020): 1402 days
"Yes" Count (Week of Ki Savo): 5
Cumulative "Yes" Count (Started Sept 2024): 35

Re: No Despair Allowed 23 Sep 2024 12:50 #422130

Good morning, all. Checking in. Trying to break free from the cycle of a couple of days and a fall, a couple of days and a fall. Five days is the longest I've gone for a couple of weeks, so hopefully that's the direction I'm headed.

The Counts
Clean Days: 5
Cumulative Clean Days (Since Jan 2020): 1405 days
"Yes" Count (Week of Nitzovim-Vayelech): 1
Cumulative "Yes" Count (Started Sept 2024): 37

Re: No Despair Allowed 23 Sep 2024 13:38 #422137

  • jmyers99
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 73
  • Karma: 2
Amazing! keep going tzaddik, Hashem loves you 

Re: No Despair Allowed 24 Sep 2024 12:29 #422209

I had a fall last night. Yesterday, I had two wins. Two times where I reached out and said 'I want to live a life of kedushah'. This morning, I wanted to fall again. I took out my wife's unfiltered device, turned it on, but then said, "no." Not going there. I don't want that to be my day.

The Counts
Clean Days: 0
Cumulative Clean Days (Since Jan 2020): 1405 days
"Yes" Count (Week of Nitzovim-Vayelech): 4
Cumulative "Yes" Count (Started Sept 2024): 40

Re: No Despair Allowed 24 Sep 2024 13:19 #422211

  • odyossefchai
  • Current streak: 26 days
  • Expert Boarder
  • Posts: 103
  • Karma: 3
Wow impressive stuff! 

Keep reaching out to the pros here. They will do you a lot of good! 

Re: No Despair Allowed 24 Sep 2024 14:33 #422217

  • jmyers99
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 73
  • Karma: 2
If you don't mind me asking, have you considered filtering her device? I think the work has to be done internally, but having tech loopholes is a big issue. It's like an alcoholic having whiskey in the fridge. At least it's harder if he has to go all the way out of the house to the liquor store. 

I have a filter on my computer, locked out of admin account and it cannot be reset. The filter detects explicit content and notifies my accountability partner, which works really well for me. My flip phone does not have a camera or video player at all, so I can't watch anything on it, even if I tried. This way, I have no way to consume, unless I totally factory reset my device, in which case my accountability partners would find out, I'd have to reinstall a ton of software, etc. or the other way is buying a new device from a store and then throwing it away, but both of which are very high friction.

BH I'm writing this 3 weeks in and doing well. The progress is also due to a lot of inner work I've been doing, but still, if I had unfiltered devices around, I'd prob fall very quickly. Unfiltered devices are like being in yichud with a woman (or, unlimited beautiful women) 

there's a reason why the halacha forbids this (we aren't likely able to handle ourselves)

You're normal, you just have to plan ahead. who is wise? He who sees the future (I believe this is brought down in pirkei avos) 
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