My dear brother,
It is indeed very upsetting, but don’t think to yourself: "I am back to square one" - that is not true! You have learnt a new skill in life, and IY”H you will be in total control one day!
I personally tried several times to get to 90 days until I finally got there. Then, on day 157 I fell! I felt terrible. I was so upset with myself that you know what happened? I fell again. And again. Because that is what guilt does to a person. As R' Nachman said: “If a Yid does not get down (מרה שחורה) after doing an Avairah then the Yetzer Harah has gained NOTHING!” (this is not to be used as an excuse
Another reason I fell 3 times: The YH knows you will get back on track shortly, so after a fall he just whispers to you: “Hey, ‘Chap arein!!’ Just enjoy yourself a few more times before restarting the long jurney…” – I HATE HIM with a passion! He is so mean! And he is so wrong…
Then, out of desperation to get back to the level of Kedusha & Control that I was holding by, I did something which I don't recommend doing: I made a Shevuah with Hashems name that I will not be MZ"L for 157 days! And it worked. IY”H in 12 days I will celebrate 365 days clean!
It was a long and painful journey and it still requires daily and even hourly a lot of Mesirus Nefesh, but it is so worth it. I am no longer impulsive but in total control of my actions.
Come on dear friend! Get back on track and you will feel amazing!
Looking forward to hearing from you some good news…