My 90 days are starting tonight. For the past 2 months I have seriously tried to quit my porn use. The longest I went in that time was 15 days. Even though I was only moderately successful, it still gave me great happiness. I have been consistently happy for perhaps the longest time in my life.
For the past month my clean time has become less and less. The most recent was 6 days and I relapsed last night and again this morning. I am very upset and missed tefillin for perhaps the first time in over 2 months. I have decided that doing this on my own is not working so I came here for help.
Porn is incredibly damaging for my life and I would sincerely like to stop. I feel like I am insane when, despite keeping my mind and eyes clean, I still have serious thoughts and urges to go back to my old habits. I also have had substance abuse problems and quitting that was so much easier. It's a joke compared to trying to stop watching porn.
I am going to try and utilize the methods and help here in order to rid myself of this harmful behavior.