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One day at a time
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: One day at a time 10101 Views

Re: One day at a time 24 Oct 2013 14:24 #221783

  • Pidaini
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It's great that the first thing you are doing is figuring out why you fell.

Realizing that the main battle has to be long before the fall, rather by the slightest triggers, is still fresh by me. It's taking time, but I know that that is where it's at. If I am at the point of wanting to fall already, I'm almost as good as fallen.

Raising the bottom, marking a new red line is very important.

Just another point, I found it very dificult to change the way I davened, if my heart wasn't in it what could I do? and it got me very frustrated. What has been helping is talking to Hashem in my own words at random times. Taking a very few minutes to go somewhere where I won't be disturbed by onlookers and just talking my heart out, the more I do that the more I find my davening becomes better. Just my experience, take it or leave it

The main point is KUTGW!!! You're on the right path!!!

KOT!!! KOMT!!!!
Yankel | My Ladder | Talking to Hashem
I'm just a dude, another guy on this bus.
Have a great day, unless, of course, you made other plans. ~ obbormottel
"Nothing changes as long as everything stays the same" ~ Dov

Re: One day at a time 24 Oct 2013 17:22 #221795

  • ddmm11219
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ה' עמך גבור החיל
keep it up
focus on a day at a time
helps by me
...וְאִם גַּם אֶתְאַמֵּץ בְּעֵצוֹת וְתַחְבֻּלוֹת וְכָל יוֹשְׁבֵי תֵבֵל יַעַמְדוּ לִימִינִי לְהוֹשִׁיעֵנִי וְלִתְמֹךְ נַפְשִׁי, מִבַּלְעֲדֵי עֻזְּךָ וְעֶזְרָתְךָ אֵין עֶזְרָה וִישׁוּעָה...‬

מתוך תפילה נפלאה שחיבר הרה"ק רבי מאיר מאפטא זצוק"ל, בעל מחבר ספר "אור לשמים", ונדפסה בתחילת ספרו.

Re: One day at a time 25 Oct 2013 07:05 #221849

  • Expert Boarder
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Day 1
THanks guys.
I had a sort of frightening day.
This was good. It really woke me up, an reminded me that I'm an addicted. I "woke up" at least 3 times today.
I thought about my fall a lot, and realized that I really have to change my whole mindset. I can't even think for one second that its even a little ok to lust. THe reason for this is because like many addicts, I get triggered by the smallest things, and then its practically over.

Re: One day at a time 25 Oct 2013 10:26 #221855


I saw this post and I thought it was a great idea. Do you mind if I join to in my journey to cleanliness? We're pretty much on the same schedule. I feel like having someone do this journey with me will make it much easier to breaking the habit. Let me know, please.

Re: One day at a time 25 Oct 2013 17:30 #221873

  • Larry
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Day 1
THanks guys.
I had a sort of frightening day.
This was good. It really woke me up, an reminded me that I'm an addicted. I "woke up" at least 3 times today.
I thought about my fall a lot, and realized that I really have to change my whole mindset. I can't even think for one second that its even a little ok to lust. THe reason for this is because like many addicts, I get triggered by the smallest things, and then its practically over.

This is an awesome post... your mindset is spot on... we always have to be on guard! KOT and have a great Shabbos!

Re: One day at a time 28 Oct 2013 00:18 #222041

  • Expert Boarder
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Day 4:

TryTryAgain: I think that that would be awesome and really helpful on both our journeys. How would you want to do this though?

Anyways, I was feeling really weak, and decided that I wouldn't fall unless I posted on the forum, so here I am.
I want to stay clean today but the urge is really strong!
I had a hashkafa class, and we talked about some sensitive stuff, so my mind started to wander. WOw I am really sick to get triggered by such subtle stuff!

Re: One day at a time 28 Oct 2013 01:23 #222050

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I posted
I thought I was safe
That was my mistake

I just fell. I really know I can get back up, but I'm not sure how long that would last. I think that this happened becuase I lost my guard but didn't realize it. Even the smallest thing sets me off. I need to maintain my efforts in this area. I slack off WAY too easily. I need to help others more. I need to get past this step and make a legit effort!
Tomorrow is day 1

Re: One day at a time 28 Oct 2013 01:30 #222051

  • Pidaini
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Chaver, Are you saying you having made a legitimate effort? That sounds absurd for a guy reading your thread.

It's not possible to not get triggered, we need to be able to have ways to stay in real life. Being able to talk to real (safe) people is one of the best ways I've experienced. Telling them that I am being pulled towards lala land, and bringing myself back into the present.

it's a commitment, not so much the effort, that makes it or breaks it. A proclomation to ourselves that I am ready to live without this stuff is really what I needed.

Fell shmell!! just KOT and KUTGW!!!!!!
Yankel | My Ladder | Talking to Hashem
I'm just a dude, another guy on this bus.
Have a great day, unless, of course, you made other plans. ~ obbormottel
"Nothing changes as long as everything stays the same" ~ Dov

Re: One day at a time 28 Oct 2013 01:36 #222055

  • Expert Boarder
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I think that 90 days may be a lttle bit of a lofty goal for me. I want to try 1 week clean and work my way up from there. Please tell me if this is a bad idea

Re: One day at a time 28 Oct 2013 01:46 #222058

  • gevura shebyesod
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How about just staying clean right now. Lather, rinse, repeat.

!אנא עבדא דקודשא בריך הוא

וּבְיָדְךָ כֹּחַ וּגְבוּרָה וּבְיָדְךָ לְגַדֵּל וּלְחַזֵּק לַכֹּל

"If it would be so easy there wouldn't be a GYE, but if it would be impossible there also wouldn't be a GYE."
"Sometimes a hard decision leads to an easier outcome."
- General Grant

My story: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/111583-hello-my-friends

Re: One day at a time 28 Oct 2013 02:58 #222064

  • sib101854
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Try one day at a time, with or without a 90 day chart. I never thought that I could be one week clean, but with the help of the chevra and the wonderful emails, I am 94 days clean, and I feel so much more positive about everything.

Re: One day at a time 28 Oct 2013 04:22 #222071

Learning: I'm not quite sure. To start, it's helpful knowing that someone is going along on the same journey as I am. Everyday we can post to update our status and keep motivating each other by seeing who gets to 90 days first. I know I don't want to lose so if it's a competition then I will try THAT much harder to win. Let me know if you have any ideas.

Re: One day at a time 28 Oct 2013 04:33 #222075

  • Expert Boarder
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TryTryAgain that sounds really good.
Lets try (no pun intended) it out.

Re: One day at a time 28 Oct 2013 04:34 #222078

  • sib101854
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The chart is certainly helpful in the sense of Kinas Sofrim Marbeh Chachmah. However, some of us can get motivated and inspired just by reading the emails and offering their own advice and insight as well.

Re: One day at a time 28 Oct 2013 04:36 #222079

Awesome! I have to update my chart (being that this is the first time I'm on the site since Thursday and make it that today is my 2nd full day clean. Iy"h both of us will be able to keep it up!
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