Dear Zvi,
I am not assuming you are like me, an addict. Addicts are surely in the minority among people who have used porn or masturbated themselves (which most people have done at times). And when you say that you have come to realize deeply that "The attempt to get close to Hashem is the ikkar, the 'other things' are an unfortunate tofel," I agree of course...but the relevant issue is this: does that realization actually help you stay clean today, or not?
If it does, then great. But if it does not, it would not surprise me in the least.
I firmly believe that when I feel an awareness of the prettiness and feminine power of a strange woman and feel the draw towards checking her out or using her image for fantasy in my heart and mind....what is
really going on is this:
I am a yid. My neshomah is tahora and bears the personal awareness and actual memory of the infinite beauty and pashtus of G-d. It desires above all else to attach
ONLY AND ALWAYS to Him even to the extent of leaving my body!
But as a man (combined neshoma/body) who happens to be a sex and lust addict (surely in the minority of men) as well, I am confused. My body and heart tell me that the women I see that fit the right description are wonderful, powerful - and essential for me.
Every time I ever acted out with sex with myself or with fantasy, my heart and body were telling me "this very thing here is what you really, really need now!" In other words, that it was in my own personal best interest to attach myself to her or her image.
You say "other things are the unfortunate tofeil" - I say that they are far less than tofeil - and far more. They are far less in that they are not tofeil, but a fake. The beauty of a woman is attractive to me becs it is a substitute for nothing less than the Sh'chinah hakedosha itself! It's like avodah zora was in the old days. Deveikus is in sex - a fake deveikus. Like a monkey 'aping' a person, a kof (monkey) - which is Amalek ("amal kof", as the sforim tell us). It is not tofeil, but a fake.
Yet it is also far more than a the adict in the moment. Once he or she takes the first drink, he is sold. The hard-wiring kicks in and he believes with a perfect faith that she is essential. This is the collective experience of all addicts to alcohol, gambling, sex, lust, and heroin. The first drink changes our hearts and we will then be fooled - convinced we need it. And then all the enlightenment and true deep religious feelings you refer to will drop like lead into the toilet bowl - "gotta go and get that..."
Now, telling myself that "if
Hashem says it is NOT in my best interest, then it
must obviously be bad for me," is just useless information at that time.
In the end, we addicts are the people who simply need to suffer enough to quit. Figuring it all out will not help them. We are actually perhaps the most spiritual of mankind (and Jewry!)...but it does not help. It actually is partt of our provblem and neediness itself, it seems.
Will they come to enlightenment through your information? Yes! But they will continue the same behavior eventually nonetheless and will keep getting worse and worse anyhow.
And they will hate being that way. Nu. Go figure. But that's me. And I have been clean today and sober for years by Hashem's Chessed (that's 'Grace') that I of course do not deserve (cuz if it is
deserved help, then it is Din, not Chessed, at all!).
Does this help at all? Do you need the help at all any more? Or are things all OK now for you?