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A journey to Hashem
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: A journey to Hashem 24779 Views

A journey to Hashem 20 Mar 2013 23:54 #203840

  • zvi
  • Gold Boarder
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I am a teenager, aged 16 years old. Since I was 12, I have had lust-related problems. As I have got older, the problems have got worse. It started off with the odd thing, here and there- I was only 12, so I didn't really know what I was doing. I vaguely knew I shouldn't be doing what I was, but it didn't interfere with my life much. As I got older, and I started to find out what I was doing, and the severity of the Aveiros, my 'little problem' developed into an addiction. For the past 2 1/2 years, I have been acting out on a regular basis (at least once a week). Then, finally, I had a clean streak. A proper clean streak. For 66 days. But then it came back. I didn't even see it coming. All I knew was that I was on the computer, doing some school work, and then suddenly I was looking at images that I shouldn't be looking at, and before I could stop myself, I had been motzei zera levatala. Again. That was two months ago. After that, I lasted 14 days, but then it was over. I was doing the aveiros again, but on a much greater level than before. As it stands now, I'm only keeping myself clean for between 1-3 days at a time. Two nights ago, I acted out twice. I was depressed, angry with myself, and- unfortunately- angry with Hashem. How could He do this to me? Didn't he see that I wanted to stop? That I wanted to be close to Him? Anyway, the next day (i.e yesterday), I joined GYE. I'm currently on my second day clean, B'chasdei Hashem. But it's not going to be easy...
Life’s a mountain. You just gotta keep climbing…

Re: A journey to Hashem 21 Mar 2013 02:10 #203850

  • bochur613
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Zvi I love you. You reflect the feelings of most young boys today. What makes you different is your amazing ability to stand up and fight for what you know is right, and what you know will help you for the future. So many of us have hidden the problem away for years but it takes a heck of a lot of courage to get up and announce to the world your problem and cry out for a helping hand. May Hashem be with all the way through this journey.

B' Ahava.


Re: A journey to Hashem 21 Mar 2013 15:44 #203866

  • zvi
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So on to day 3. Baruch Hashem, I haven't had an serious taivos so far. It's funny like that- I get periods where my Yetzer Hara overwhelms me, and there's nothing I can do. Then, I get periods like this, where I get no taivos at all. In my stretch of 66 days clean, I was barely tested. Then, when I fell, all of the previous problems came back. Anyone know why that is?
Life’s a mountain. You just gotta keep climbing…

Re: A journey to Hashem 21 Mar 2013 19:32 #203880

  • inastruggle
  • Current streak: 26 days
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  • the picture is shimshon hagibor. not st. mary....
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very possibly because the yetzer harah is lulling you into a false sense of security, and he lets you stay clean for so long to make you even more depressed when you fall. (i think i have this beat )
the trick is to be on guard even when it's going good, just thank hashem and keep guarding yourself

(funny, i also haven't had the urge the last few days, maybe on bein hazmanim the yetzer harah is busy with his easier targets than the guys on gye )
Last Edit: 21 Mar 2013 19:44 by inastruggle.

Re: A journey to Hashem 21 Mar 2013 19:49 #203884

  • gibbor120
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Welcome Zvi! It's nice you have you on board! Even people who have been "clean" for a long time have periods where things are calm and then can have a rough period.

Poeoples moods and emotions change for all sorts of reasons. Lusting fills a void. We need to fill that void with something positive. Sharing your problem with a real person who you trust can go a long way.

Stick around, read the handbook, there are lots of good ideas here.

Re: A journey to Hashem 21 Mar 2013 22:51 #203897

  • zvi
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I'm trying to add myself to the 90 days chart on guardyoureyes.org. Whenver I put in my username, it tells me it's already in use. Does anyone know how to do it?
Life’s a mountain. You just gotta keep climbing…

Re: A journey to Hashem 21 Mar 2013 23:00 #203899

  • reallygettingthere
  • Current streak: 72 days
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there probably is already someone in the 90 chart database named zvi trying somethig else like Zvi1 or zvi 613 or FromAtoZvi
Roy in the SA White Book noted that we frequently prayed and it did not work...because the best we could muster was begging G-d to "Please take it away, so I will not have to give it up!

No amount of sobriety can cure the insanity -ChaimCharlie

The emmes hurts but fake chizzuk will hurt more -Bards

Remember, best block, no be there - Mr. Miyagi

Re: A journey to Hashem 21 Mar 2013 23:29 #203903

  • bochur613
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I think FromAtoZvi is brilliant!


Re: A journey to Hashem 21 Mar 2013 23:42 #203906

  • zvi
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I was boring in the end and went for (zvi).
Life’s a mountain. You just gotta keep climbing…

Re: A journey to Hashem 21 Mar 2013 23:46 #203908

  • reallygettingthere
  • Current streak: 72 days
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Roy in the SA White Book noted that we frequently prayed and it did not work...because the best we could muster was begging G-d to "Please take it away, so I will not have to give it up!

No amount of sobriety can cure the insanity -ChaimCharlie

The emmes hurts but fake chizzuk will hurt more -Bards

Remember, best block, no be there - Mr. Miyagi

Re: A journey to Hashem 24 Mar 2013 01:48 #203962

  • zvi
  • Gold Boarder
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Good voch everyone, I hope you all had an amazing Shabbos!
Bchasdei Hashem, I'm nearing the end of my 5th day clean now. I haven't got this far for a while, and I'm definitely feeling a lot more 'kadosh' for it! I wasn't feeling 100% secure when Shabbos went out, but B'H my taivos seem to have gone for the time being.
I saw an amazing idea over Shabbos which I thought I'd share with everyone here. I'm currently learning Yeshaya, with the peirush of Rav Schwab. Rav Schwab writes an amazing idea on Perek 26, passuk ches. The navi says "The soul lusts to your name and to your mention." On this, Rav Schwab writes something which literally bowled me over. I here quote: "However, man's powerful, natural desire to come close to G-d can be misdirected. In the absence of seeking its fulfillment by coming close to G-d, this natural lust seeks its fulfillment elsewhere- usually in its gratification of the physical senses."
Do you understand what he's saying?! For all of us, each and every one of us, our taivos, our lustings, are simply a misdirected desire to come close to Hashem! Every time we do an Aveira in these areas, we do it because we crave for closeness to the Ribono Shel Olam! If we can simply turn these taivos in the right direction, imagine the heights we can reach.
Life’s a mountain. You just gotta keep climbing…

Re: A journey to Hashem 25 Mar 2013 01:12 #203998

  • zvi
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Here I am, drawing to the end of my 6th day clean, and feel on top of the world. I haven't got so far since before Purim!
Today wasn't an easy day. It wasn't particularly difficult, but it did have its sticky moments. There was one moment when I felt like I wanted to m-, but I said this beautiful little Tefilla that I found elsewhere on the forum, and my Taivos dissipated. The koach of tefillah!
alexeliezer wrote:
"Ribbono Shel Olam, I am powerless over lust and my life has become unmanageable.
Only you can restore me to sanity.
I turn my life and my lust over to your care and ask you to please heal me from this illness of lust. I don't want to lust, I only want You and a relationship with You and Your Torah, (and appropriate attraction to my wife). Take my lust. Please, take my lust"

I had some problems with shemira ainayim today, but B'H it was nothing particularly serious. I'm looking forward to Pesach like never before- I'm going to try to make it a worthwhile Seder!
Although I've only been on this forum for a few days, I've really picked up the positive vibes from everyone on here, and everyone- thank you so much for the tremendous chizuk I've got from you all.
Have an AMAZING yom tov!
Life’s a mountain. You just gotta keep climbing…
Last Edit: 25 Mar 2013 01:14 by zvi.

Re: A journey to Hashem 28 Mar 2013 21:22 #204052

  • zvi
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Over a week clean! In fact, almost 10 days clean! Still, it all feels a bit too easy... I know I should be happy, but I feel almost as if I don't deserve it...
Life’s a mountain. You just gotta keep climbing…

Re: A journey to Hashem 28 Mar 2013 21:31 #204054

  • Dov
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I know I don't deserve it, and it has been years (one day at a time). Enjoy the gift. Do you deserve your breathing, eyesight, ability to go the bathroom, and ability to walk? No. You don't. But if you don't enjoy them, isn't that a lack of gratitude?

So enjoy them, brother. It's ok to be another happy Bozo on this bus - we all are.
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."

Re: A journey to Hashem 31 Mar 2013 01:06 #204110

  • zvi
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 224
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I slipped. Not fell, but it was close enough. I knew on Shabbos that Motzei Shabbos would be a struggle, and it's turning out to be. Still clean, but not going strong, at all...
Life’s a mountain. You just gotta keep climbing…
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