Aint nobody who can say it like you can!!!!
Pidaini wrote:
Yes TSH, it is very hard to make that move, the move that will for one make it further away, and maybe even more difficult, it will be a statement to the notion that I can't do this myself with sheer willpower, that I am powerless and that I need to put something else on top of me to keep me back. Neither of those are easy things to do, but they are the essence of recovery.
As someone with addictive tendencies, I try and try to do it myself, I want to be in control, not only in this but in all matters of life. If something doesn't go the way I tried to make it, or the way I thought it would be or that I think it should be, I lose mind and can't deal with it. THUS I run to escape from the reality, the reality that I'm not in control, that there is something bigger and greater than me!
Letting go of those notions is the key, and by being in touch with other people who are doing it gives me the strength to know that I can do it too!!
So stick around as long as you may need to, it's a happy fellowship and we need all the fellows we can get!!
Pidaini wrote:
I am feeling that pull to oblivion, looking at other people who seem to have no whims about life and feeling jealous of that point, wishing that I could be so carefree.
The mistake in that is that I can be that carefree if I'd let myself. I'm too intent on trying to control too much that I give myself only two choices, either to stay in control or to escape everything altogether. The notion that I can stay with what is going on and just let go of expectations and controlling isn't naturally as compelling as lusting.
BH, I have Hashem, friends, and GYE so that I can acknowledge that urge and remember, one day at a time, that I can be free, liberated, entirely. I don't need to be so controlling, and I certainly don't need to serve lust!!!!
Pidaini wrote:
If you are like me (addict or not) then that burial did nothing but push away reality! When I was in the cycle of "acting out, beating myself up, getting chizzuk, swearing it off, getting desires, fighting to get the desires away, giving in to them, beating myself up, etc." The last thing that I wanted to realize was that I'm not in control!!!
The reality is that I am not in control of my desires, of when they come and when they don't, of how strong they will be or how fleeting. If something gives me a scare, and I feel afterwards that I will never desire porn again, then that scare only helped me to hide the reality from myself and lure myself into thinking that I don't need to do anything about it!
Have you opened up to anybody yet? Have you truly faced who you are yet?
You're worth it, don't let yourself be dragged back into hope and disappointment!!
Pidaini wrote:
As cordnoy pointed out, and you seemed to have noticed yourself, it is when we have expectations that we get disappointed. Why do we do it to ourselves? I know that my wife tends to be late, so why do I keep on expecting this time to be different?
I think it's actually very telling of our mindset. My mindset is that I have a right to a particular thing, and no matter how many times I don't get it, that right doesn't go away rather it gets more and more upset that it's not being fulfilled.
The smart and hard thing to do is to let go of the right!!
Duvid Chaim likes to say "We need to turn expectations into preferences". We are not in control of our lives, and certainly not of other people, so we can only take one step at a time, and when the road turns the next step has to be a little turned, and when it's slippery the next step has to be taken carefully.
I cannot thank Hashem for the gift of surrender, of being able to let go of my desires and just enjoy whatever Hashem has in store for me, and I cannot thank GYE enough for being the shaliach to teach me that vital life lesson!
Pidaini wrote:
IMHO you're kidding yourself, you want to be able to "control" the future, to take away all fear, all risk, all chance of pain....that's not going to happen no matter what anyone may tell you, and you know it.
How 'bout just letting go, surrender it, give it up to Hashem. Tell Him that you are giving it to Him, letting go of "your right" to be in control, giving it to Him to be in control of, and then go do the next right real thing?
I just did that last night, and, BH, He took what I gave Him and I feel like a new person.
A Freilichen Purim......natural things are also in His control!!!
Pidaini wrote:
I just heard B'shem R' Rephael Schorr that every Mmidah we can work on and reach a certain level of that midah, but Emunah needs to be constantly worked, for we are human and in a gashmiyus world. Gashmiyus by definition seems to contradict the fact that Hashem is everything.
From my experience, I cannot turn my thinkng around by myself. My thinking is way too biased to let me give myself up to Hashem's control. I, BH, have friends whom I talk to regularly. I can tell them that I want to be in control, that I feel like I should be in control. After verbalizing that, having validated my body's feelings, I can then go on to surrender my life to Hashem, and to let go of my "right" to be in control.
You're worth it!!!!
Pidaini wrote:
When I approach Hashem and I verbalize (as I did last night) "I am scared of what the future will bring, who will I be, what will I become", the initial reaction is humility, for I realize right away who it is that I am saying this to, The Controler of the world who does know what will be and who can help me get through that.
When I further say my desires and how that is my answer to my fears, as it went last night "I would like to see certain body parts in order to be excited enough to masturbate......and?.....oh, and feel bad and feel connected to Hashem because I feel bad" (it may be different every time, but that was last night's experience). That brought me to see that I need Hashem to carry me through this period of doubt and fear, because my answer is just plain stupid, which leads to number 3
"Hashem I ask you to help me remember that you are the one who has carried me until now, and you are the one who will carry me further." if I then add a certain bakashah, it is with that understanding of who I am talking to Hashem who takes care of me perfectly, and I am mentioning a preference because He wants to hear that from me, even though He may answer "I know what's better for you"
Pidaini wrote:
So I fight, I fight the need to be in control of what I feel, I fight the need to independently fight this on my own, and I realize that I really can't do it on my own, I just can't.
I keep an eye on myself so that when the urge does hit, I will remember that I can't do it on my own, and I need others and ultimately Hashem to pull me through.