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Navigating the ocean of my life
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TOPIC: Navigating the ocean of my life 4023 Views

Re: Navigating the ocean of my life 03 Jul 2024 17:25 #416322

  • BenHashemBH
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redfaced wrote on 03 Jul 2024 17:15:

BenHashemBH wrote on 03 Jul 2024 17:09:

redfaced wrote on 02 Jul 2024 23:48:
If you make it to lakewood ill be happy to learn with you ....

Do all of the GYE in-person meetings happen in Lakewood?

Does ANYBODY live anywhere else?

Anybody doesn't; Nobody apparently does . . .
Today is yesterday's tomorrow.
The yetzarim a person has the most trouble dealing with are his most powerful God-given tools for developing his potential and achieving shleimus.
In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you.
It doesn't matter how big the number is, only that today it is going up by one.

A little about what I'm doing here: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/412971-I-Want-to-Help-Others

Re: Navigating the ocean of my life 03 Jul 2024 18:04 #416326

  • redfaced
  • Current streak: 517 days
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BenHashemBH wrote on 03 Jul 2024 17:25:

redfaced wrote on 03 Jul 2024 17:15:

BenHashemBH wrote on 03 Jul 2024 17:09:

redfaced wrote on 02 Jul 2024 23:48:
If you make it to lakewood ill be happy to learn with you ....

Do all of the GYE in-person meetings happen in Lakewood?

Does ANYBODY live anywhere else?

Anybody doesn't; Nobody apparently does . . .

Who do you think you are to be a nobody?! 
May you slide down the banister of happiness and get many splinters of success up your career

Feel free to send me an owl, a howler, or even a Crumple-Horned Snorkack to Iamredfaced@gmail.com

The Red Face

Re: Navigating the ocean of my life 03 Jul 2024 20:09 #416347

  • proudyungerman
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BenHashemBH wrote on 03 Jul 2024 17:25:

redfaced wrote on 03 Jul 2024 17:15:

BenHashemBH wrote on 03 Jul 2024 17:09:

redfaced wrote on 02 Jul 2024 23:48:
If you make it to lakewood ill be happy to learn with you ....

Do all of the GYE in-person meetings happen in Lakewood?

Does ANYBODY live anywhere else?

Anybody doesn't; Nobody apparently does . . .

Hello everyone!!!

Re: Navigating the ocean of my life 11 Jul 2024 02:26 #416861

  • amevakesh
  • Current streak: 428 days
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A thought about unwanted thoughts.

In the noble quest of trying to free oneself from the clutches of lust, one encounters many obstacles that the YH throws at him. Perhaps the hardest one to overcome, is the idea of מחשבות זרות - strange forbidden thoughts, in our language - fantasies. It’s one thing to tell a person to control his hands, his eyes, but what goes on in one’s brain is almost impossible to control. Yet, perhaps with a bit of perspective, this too can be worked on effectively, and in the long run, overcome. 

There are conflicting ideas I’ve heard over the years from my רביים and משגיחים over the years, and it took me a while to resolve an apparent contradiction, but when I did, it helped me somewhat, so I’d like to share my conclusion with the Oilam. Although I trust my רביים that there are sources for what they told me, I unfortunately don’t know what they are. So if you only like hearing things that are sourced, this post might not be for you. 

On one hand, I remember hearing from one of my רביים a story from one of the Gerrer Rebbes. One of his חסידים complained to him that he was having מחשבות זרות and was at a loss in how to deal with them. The Rebbe sharply responded, the מחשבה isn’t זרות, YOU ARE. Meaning to say, don’t make yourself look like an innocent person who is doing everything right, who is plagued by something that’s beyond your control. No, you are the culprit, and your own fault for having these thoughts, you are the one who is זר. Similarly, I once heard a Shmuess from a very prominent משגיח who’s name I won’t mention, just in case I’m misquoting him (it’s been many years). He said that if one finds himself in the middle of שמ"ע and he’s being plagued by unwanted thoughts, it’s not a good סימן, and it’s a reflection of where he’s holding in his 'עבודת ה. Pretty demoralizing stuff, but with perspective, I think we can put a positive spin on it.

On the other hand, I once heard it being said in the name of ר' חיים ואלאז'ינר, that when one experiences מחשבות זרות, it’s a נסיון - an opportunity for growth, not to be missed. I once learnt a שטיקל in the דגל מחנה אפרים, in the beginning of  פרשת עקב where he says that if one experiences מחשבות זרות, especially during Davening, it’s a סימן that he’s being given the opportunity to return these מחשבות to it’s source. He gives a משל. If someone was speaking to a king and was interrupted by one of the king’s servants, obviously it was the king told that servant to interrupt him, or else the servant wouldn’t dare interrupt on his own. When an improper thought fleets through a person’s head during Davening, that thought was sent to him from ה' in order for him to rectify it. He seems to imply, that it’s almost a complement from ה', that He feels that the one Davening is worthy of rectifying these bad thoughts. What does this mean, and how can this fit with what we said before? 

Perhaps the idea is as follows. Let’s explain with a משל of eating. When one eats food, it enters his mouth whole, then it get mixed with his saliva in order for it to be able to be digested by the stomach. After further being mixed with different enzymes and juices, it enters the digestive system where it’s further broken down. At this point the food has basically turned in to liquid, and it’s ready for the kidneys to do their job. What they do is of utmost importance, they extrapolate that which body needs for it’s survival and delivers it to the appropriate location in the body, and the rest of the food which is not needed is discarded as waste. Obviously, I’m simplifying a much more complex system, but that’s the basic idea. There are different types of food that have a different effect on the digestive system. Healthy foods, are the one’s that make the digestive system work harder and process more. More of the food is utilized as energy and fuel for the body, and the part that’s not needed is discarded. Then there are the unhealthy foods. the one’s filled with saturated fat. They slide easily right in to are system, the digestive system doesn’t need to process it much, and most of it gets lodged somewhere around the waist, where it serves no purpose other than requiring us to loosen our belts. As the pound accumulate, they become harder to lose, and if he wants to do so, it will require a great effort on his part. Say a person is 40 pounds overweight (speaking from experience now) and he wants to shed them all, the first 10 will be relatively easy, the second 10 harder, the third 10 even harder, and the final 10 will require an almost herculean effort to be rid them.

The eyes are the window to the soul. Think of looking at improper images as real junk food. It sticks to our soul and as long as one is busy viewing, or in any form of lust mode, he’s just piling on the pounds, it’s gonna be a lot harder to diet. However, when he does make the decision to diet, and is ready to do the hard work it takes, he’ll find that the fantasies don’t stop so easily. Even after he’s given up looking at things he shouldn’t be watching, he finds that the fantasizing doesn’t stop. Not only that, but often the unwanted thoughts will hit him hard exactly at the wrong times (i.e. during שמו"ע, learning etc.). He wonders, what am I doing wrong? The answer is nothing. Forgive the analogy, but it’s the equivalent of letting the waste out the body. Every time a person goes to the bathroom he is in effect losing weight. The excess weight that accumulated over time now can bit by bit leave the body. 

The aforementioned  דמ"א bring a 'זוהר הק which brings a beautiful משל that sheds light on this mysterious subject. There was once a king who had a son. He wanted the son to demonstrate a certain level of love for him, so he commanded the son to stay from all women of ill repute. Then the king went over to a very pretty זונה and told her, “please do what you can to try to entice my son to sin”. The women had no interest in getting the prince to sin, after all he was the beloved heir to the throne, yet she was bound by her loyalty to the king to obey his command. Even though at the time of the seduction it appeared as though she was trying to get him to sin, she wanted him to overcome his desire and not sin with her. The king’s intention was that his son should have the opportunity to demonstrate his love by overcoming his desire and showing that he values his father’s love above all. The נמשל is self explanatory. The פסוק says "והנה טוב מאוד" and חז"ל tell us זו יצה"ר. What can possibly be good about the YH? The answer is that only through the YH can one truly show their love for 'ה by overcoming his lust for His sake.

Ideally when one is confronted with a נסיון, he passes it on the first try. He demonstrates the love for 'ה and reaches higher levels of יראה and אהבה because of the hurdles he cleared. What if he failed? Then the YH lodges itself through his eyes, into the very fabric of his soul, the same way junk food becomes a part of his pot belly. But when he want to lose the weight or divest himself from the YH in him, he will be given a second chance. If the whole תחלית of the YH was to get to overcome, it stands to reason that, the residue of the YH that he took in needs to be expunged from his being by “pushing out” the thoughts when they plague him. By doing so the YH has accomplished what it originally set out to do, to allow him to overcome for the sake of 'ה. 

To sum it up, bad thoughts are a result of what we’ve taken in with our eyes. At the same time, they are an opportunity not to be missed, to try to accomplish what we failed the first time around. This should help explain why when one is trying so hard in all other areas, the area of מחשבה is the hardest to conquer. It also can help explain why the unwanted thoughts pop in to our heads precisely at the time when we’re trying to have proper כוונה. When we’re trying hard to access new and higher levels in 'עבודת ה, that’s when we’re given the opportunity to demonstrate whether or not we’re actually ready for the next level. Rest assured,  that as time goes on, and one is vigilant with what they look at, and they conquer one thought at a time, even if not perfectly, but as long as the trajectory is heading in the right direction, they will subside as pounds of lust shed off his soul. Hope this wasn’t too philosophical, but the idea helped me, so if it works for you as well great, if not, move on and KEEP ON TRUCKING!!!

Re: Navigating the ocean of my life 11 Jul 2024 14:02 #416885

  • Heeling
  • Current streak: 73 days
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Beautiful! Thank so much for always sharing such insightful messages.
You can win the fight, but I'll have to live with the loser.

Any excuse you use for yourself, you must be willing to use for your wife.

Not Always can I understand others, but I can always respect their wishes.

You're human, it's okay.

One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.

Re: Navigating the ocean of my life 18 Jul 2024 03:24 #417363

  • amevakesh
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Had a rough and very frustrating day. My sense of entitlement is through the roof. The only good thing I'm feeling is that falling today isn't even an option, whereas last year this time, on a day like today............. מארגען איז אויך א טאג Onward!

Re: Navigating the ocean of my life 18 Jul 2024 08:40 #417368

  • Muttel
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Our beloved amevakesh is coming up to a big day…. 

For all those traveling to great heights for a bear hug, ashreichem! I think for me, this Monday, a virtual leChaim and seudas R’ Akiva Eiger will have to suffice. Amevakesh, the care you show, the love you provide, the wisdom you share, and most of all, the experience of years, is invaluable. Seeing you get to such a great milestone is heartwarming and encouraging at once….

Keep on inspiring!

With much love and admiration,
We're in this struggle together; feel free to reach out! 

Feel free to call/text! (908) 251-9590 (google)

Check out my thread here: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/413043-My-ENTIRE-story#413043
Last Edit: 18 Jul 2024 13:09 by Muttel.

Re: Navigating the ocean of my life 18 Jul 2024 12:22 #417373

  • redfaced
  • Current streak: 517 days
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Muttel wrote on 18 Jul 2024 08:40:
Our beloved amevakesh is coming up to a big day…. 

For all those traveling to great heights zfor a bear hug, ashreichem! 

I hope to scale those peaks Bezh this week!!  The view from near him, is fantabulous!!
May you slide down the banister of happiness and get many splinters of success up your career

Feel free to send me an owl, a howler, or even a Crumple-Horned Snorkack to Iamredfaced@gmail.com

The Red Face
Last Edit: 18 Jul 2024 12:23 by redfaced.

Re: Navigating the ocean of my life 22 Jul 2024 15:06 #417520

  • Heeling
  • Current streak: 73 days
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The stage is all set up.

The musicians are in their places.

I can hear the sizzle coming from the kitchen.

Aha…the aroma!

Banners, streamers, and balloons are all hanging from the ceiling.

The waiters bottoming their tuxedos.

The theme is a gold stamp of 365.

The doorman is walking to his position.

The band is starting their intro.

The crowd is cheering.

All eyes are on….our beloved friend!

You can win the fight, but I'll have to live with the loser.

Any excuse you use for yourself, you must be willing to use for your wife.

Not Always can I understand others, but I can always respect their wishes.

You're human, it's okay.

One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.

Re: Navigating the ocean of my life 22 Jul 2024 16:57 #417522

  • yiftach
  • Current streak: 281 days
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In Israel we're seven hours ahead!!!!! 


כשם שזכית לסיים שנה זו, כן תזכה להתחיל ולסיים שנים אחרים מתוך קדושה וטהרה, מתוך שלום, תלתא משמע, עם אחרים, בביתך, עם עצמך, לאורך ימים שונים טובים.

המאחל בלב מלא רגש ושמחה,

Looking forward to get to know you better! 

Email me @ yiftach1609@gmail.com or call/text 347-201-4989 (Google voice)

My story is unfolding here
"יפתח ה' לך את אוצרו הטוב"
Last Edit: 22 Jul 2024 18:35 by yiftach.

Re: Navigating the ocean of my life 22 Jul 2024 19:14 #417538

  • chaimoigen
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With his compass in hand, lashed to the wheel
the Captain is drenched to the bone,
Yet, weary, determined, he looks to the sky 
For the stars who will guide him towards home. 

Though the swells and fierce gales seek him to drown
and to upend the ship that he sails, 
the unbending force of his will is unflagging 
And through thick and through thin - he prevails! 

Oh, Mevakeish you are, very truly a one - 
You persevere where others would falter, 
Full of courage and eager to keep climbing higher 
You offer your Soul at the alter. 

And now you have seen that no matter how tough
you have what it takes to keep going -
The sweetness of Torah, your Avoda inspires 
You’ll keep us - and YOURSELF ever-growing!! 

With love, affection and much admiration, 
and more Bracha than I can articulate now, 
I am
Chaim Oigen 
And I’m looking at a man who knows what living is, and that’s a sight for sore eye!
Please feel free to reach out anytime at chaim.oigen@gmail.com
Last Edit: 22 Jul 2024 19:18 by chaimoigen.

Re: Navigating the ocean of my life 22 Jul 2024 20:27 #417544

  • iwannalivereal
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A year! WOW!!!

A year of true bikush, and aliyah in "the sugyos"

Halevai Vayter!
Feel free to say hi! iwannalivereal@gmail.com
Check out my story here!

Re: Navigating the ocean of my life 23 Jul 2024 02:09 #417564

  • amevakesh
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Mazel Tov to Menuchashanefesh9 on a year of קדושה וטהרה. Some  people need a network of support to do it, and some people are strong enough to do it alone. Trailing a couple of days behind this great warrior was a great source of חיזוק for me. I felt like he was holding my hand, and I was following his lead. It gave me a feeling of companionship, and now let us celebrate together. L’Chaim!

Re: Navigating the ocean of my life 23 Jul 2024 02:14 #417565

  • amevakesh
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Hard to believe a year has gone by. It feels like yesterday, at the same time, it feels like a lifetime ago, when filled with disgust at myself, and inspired by one of HHM’s posts that the best that GYE has to offer is the ability to connect, I mustered up the courage, and contacted HHM. In the parking lot of a beautiful park, with trembling hands and a tremor in my voice, I called the first person, who would ultimately change my life. Sure, I had times before that I was clean for even months at a time, but this was different, there was someone to talk to, someone that would hold me accountable, but most of all someone that cared. I have endless הכרת הטוב to this prince of a man who has decided to dedicate his life to help people in עניני קדושה. All the wonderful initiatives that are happening here at GYE, on and offline, are a direct result of people that have been helped by this holy giant of a man. We are all his תלמידים, and I will forever be indebted to him for starting it all. הקב"ה should give the give the Rebbe כח and געזונט and everything his holy heart desires, and ultimately help us all, that HHM’s services to כלל ישראל be rendered obsolete.

A special הכרת הטוב is due to the founders of GYE. Although to me they are people who remain behind the scenes, it is they who keep this amazing engine running and they get much, if not all of the credit for all the beautiful things that go on on this website.

A year later, it’s time for me to reflect and take stock of where I was a year ago. What have I accomplished, what have I gained, and more importantly, what do I still need to accomplish.

It is with a profound sense of gratitude to הקב"ה, that I reflect on the lessons that I’ve gained over the last 12 months. It didn’t happen at once, rather in small increments over the course of the past year. 

Lesson #1 -  Given to me over the phone by HHM during the first phone call. (אגב, it’s uncanny, how he identifies exactly what each person needs to hear) In it, he detailed that one who lusts is essentially cheating on his wife. At the time it was very difficult for me to comprehend, I’m not doing anything behind her back that she doesn’t understand. I’m just looking at things, what’s it got to do with her. As time went by, I understood, that by indulging in lust, no matter how small, this whets our appetite for things that she cannot possibly fill. This then creates a vicious cycle of the husband feeling that his wife isn’t meeting his needs, the wife picks up those vibes, then feels inadequate as a wife through no fault of her own. That was paradigm shift #1.

Lesson #2 - Sexuality vs. intimacy. Also given to me by HHM during that first phone call. There are many משלים that you can find on the forums that depict the difference between sexuality and intimacy. All of them, point to the difference between something that’s devoid of any content, merely a pretty shell of something potentially so beautiful and deep. External vs. internal. 

There’s an interesting phenomena that keeps on coming up on these forums. A storyline that goes something like this. “As a Bachur, I watched P or engaged in M. Then I got got married to a great girl. Swore that I would never do it again. Life was great, sex was great. Was successful in abstain from any negative behavior for ______ amount of time. Then my wife got pregnant, or wasn’t always available for whatever reason, and I started falling back to my old habits.” This is often written with a sense of righteous indignation, that if only my wife would understand my struggle and we could go back to what it was in the beginning, I would be able to control myself now, like I was able to control myself then. 

I would like to mention the משל that if I remember correctly HHM told me on that first phone call. He compared intimacy to a cake and sexuality to icing on the cake. I would like to try and explain the depth and beauty of this משל. The difference between the interior of any given item and its exterior, is not just a difference in ratio, rather it’s a difference between its essence and the way it presents itself externally. Take for example the human body. The skin comprises a mere fraction of all of the organs of the body. If one were to strip a human of his skin put it on one side of a scale, and all the other organs, his heart lungs, liver, brain, etc. on the other, it wouldn’t even be close.. Yet, this isn’t the only difference between them. When you go under the skin you see the complexity and wonder of the human body, how it ticks, what makes it work, how everything is perfectly synchronized, how different parts of the body complement each other, and how the organism as a whole is the most marvelous creation in the world. This can only be accessed once one penetrates the skin. How much more so when you dig deeper, in to the metaphysical aspect of the human. Once we factor in the soul, it’s way more complex. The different facets that make up a soul, are understandably way more complex then anything we are capable of comprehending. The soul is what makes the human tick and drives him to be who he is, it shapes his personality, it’s where all the wants and desires of man are contained. Suffice it to say that the difference between the skin and the rest of the body, pales in comparison to the vast difference of the body and the soul. 

Sexuality stimulates the nerve endings, is a very exciting, thrilling, and visual experience. It is also only skin deep. Intimacy is a connection of two human beings on all levels. When the hearts, minds, and souls of two people are locked in communion with each other, the two become one in perfect harmony. The act of sex is a physical manifestation of the spiritual connection on so many levels, just like icing on a cake. The cake is the main part of the food and the icing serves to enhance the cake, it gives it that little extra “kick”. One who has experienced true intimacy, will frown upon sexuality, not because it’s vulgar (which it is), rather because he looks at it as a cheap substitution for something that is so much more real. No amount of physical stimulation can hold a candle to the feeling that accompanies real intimacy. The reason for this quite simple. At its core sexuality is about taking whatever you can get from your spouse, and intimacy is about giving and thinking about her needs.

When a person gets married and is able to quit his bad habits for a certain amount of time, only to fall back in to them when the going gets rough, it might be because during the beginning of his marriage he was engaging in sexuality and his needs were being met. As soon as they weren’t being met, he reverts back to his old behavior. Had he been smart, he would have used the beginning of his marriage to work on loving her intimately, not loving himself sexually. Then, even if things are not so exciting on a sexual level, the main part of the intimacy is still there. Bottom line, if the focus is sexuality, it will depend on a lot of external settings to make it good, it won’t last for an entire life. On the other hand intimacy doesn’t depend on any external factors, and can be achieved by working on the relationship through love, devotion and communication.

Lesson #3 - A direct outcome of the aforementioned lesson was how I look at my wife. This took time to internalize, but over the course of the year, the clarity and realization that I married someone so special sometimes fills me with remorse about the way I used to view her. Since I was (at times) an obsessive luster, I would fantasize about the way I envisioned my sexual encounters should look like. When my dearest was not meeting my expectations, I viewed her through a prism of someone who was woefully inadequate in this area. This blinded me to all of her truly beautiful qualities (BH there are many of them). Sure, I didn’t say anything outright, and I was very nice and patient with her, but inside my heart I carried a certain amount of resentment toward her for not meeting my expectation. There is no question that I bore a certain grudge in my heart, which clouded my vision to see her as the special person she is. I clearly remember a scene from almost 20 years ago, it was either the first or second year of my marriage. My wife did her makeup for me, and I expressed my displeasure with something she hadn’t done to fulfill one of my whims. I wasn’t consciously being cruel, but that night I broke her heart. Since then I’ve apologized many many times for that terrible misdeed and she has forgiven me, but until this this year, I didn’t fully comprehend the gravity of what I had done. To a lesser extent there were many times where I’m sure she felt my displeasure, and it was always a subtle strain on our otherwise pretty good marriage. I definitely did not give her the right amount of credit she does for me and the family. The past year has given me the ability to see her for the special person she is.

Lesson #4 - How I view myself. This one is very personal, and I hesitated before I decided to post, but I think that there is benefit in writing it out. One of the complaints I carried in my heart, was the fact that my wife doesn’t express her love for me verbally. I have no problem telling her how much I love her, and when I do so she will usually respond in kind, but rarely if ever will she initiate and verbal expression of love. This bothered me tremendously, because she doesn’t seem to have this issue when it comes to expressing it to our children, why am I any different? As the year went on, and the focus of sex shifted from one of animalistic pleasure to one of intimate connection, I realized, that I too struggle in expressing my love for her. Sure I have no problem saying the words I love you to her, but it doesn’t go much further then that. I feel like have a million kind words to say to her, but they’re all bottled up inside of me,and I can’t seem to bring it out. The problem is not hers alone, I guilty as well. It’s interesting, because in other areas and to other people I’m a pretty good communicator. I was speaking to the great Vehkam about this, and he suggested that I would perhaps benefit from therapy, to discover what the reason for this lack of my ability to communicate my emotions is. I have a hunch where it comes from, but that hasn’t helped be able to do so properly. Perhaps I do need help in this area, it is something I am currently considering. But, the awareness that the problem might lay within me was an eye opener, and I consider that progress. 

Lesson #5 - How to empathize with your wife, taught to me by Benny and by Heeling. I was always able to see things from other people’s perspective, it’s a gift I was born with. However speaking to Reb Heeling gave me a new perspective in how to “put myself in her shoes” and try to visualize what she’s going through. This was very helpful to me because although I was aware of the five love languages, I didn’t internalize the one of acts of service. It seems to me that often my wife will appreciate when I help out around the house, and will sometimes interpret it as an expression of love. (Not always though, sometimes she tells me that it makes her feel inadequate as a housewife. Go figure.) But I’ve discovered that perhaps the most important love language that speaks to my wife is when I’m mentally present for her. I have been working on this. even when I’m reading or engaging in something I enjoy, when she talks to me, I try (sometimes successfully, sometimes less so) to give her my full attention. this means making eye contact, and expressing a genuine interest in what she has to say. I’m far from perfect, but I’d like to think that I’ve made some progress in this area as well.

Lesson #6 - Reb CO’s Posture of pornography was a big יסוד that I still try to implement. I am far from applying it on a day to day basis, and I definitely still squander way too much time, engaging in aimless activities without purpose, but still, regarding lust, I have been able to apply with reasonable success. I’d like to elaborate. Until this year, there were very few times that I would just show up in front of a computer sit down and watch something inappropriate. It began slowly with kosher things, slowly to more questionable things, until ultimately to things that were straight up אסור. But if you were to ask me right when I sat down, what do you plan on doing now, I would probably hem and haw, and not be able to articulate a clear answer, all the while knowing deep down that it’s probably going to end up in a bad place. This year that changed. Whenever I sat down to the computer, it was with a purpose and a goal to accomplish something. That is not to say that I have mastered this סוגיא, far from it. Sometimes the things I set out to do was to watch sports and politics on Youtube. But when I did, it was with the intention to use it to take away feelings that were negative, to distract me away from lust. Yes I was still being entertained, not ideal at all, but for this year, the main goal was to do whatever it takes to stay away from anything that will lead me to lust. For me those were the occasional feelings of boredom, the ups and downs of life that sometimes get to you, and I used it as a distraction to keep me away from those feelings. (Disclaimer: I’m not advocating for Youtube in general, but for me it served a distinct purpose this year, I hope to work on it further, and not need it at all)

Lesson #7 - Lust is lust. Period. For me this was a paradigm shift as well. My first exposure to lust started when I was about 8 or 9 years old. At the time, my extended family rented a house that had its own “private” beach. While it was private in terms of no one being able to park themselves on are our beach, there were may people that would stroll along on their morning and evening walks. Shockingly, they weren’t all dressed like they were in the the Shtettel. I remember looking for any excuse to go down the block to other parts of the beach so I could view the people there without my mother observing me. Unfortunately, I was successful a few times. This left me with a convoluted idea, that since it was legal to dress this way, it must be okay. Of course I knew that we don’t do things like that, but in the warped perception of a young impressionable boy, I was able to rationalize (with accompanying guilty feelings) that it’s okay for to me to look at. This was further reinforced by the occasional Sears catalogs that would sometimes make their way in  my house. I would make sure to browse through all the pages before my mother would realize. If they can print it, it must be fine. Finally, I’m from the generation whose grandparents had a television in their home, and I would make sure to make full use of it without my parents knowledge. It’s shocking what was available even in the early 90’s on the screen, during the daytime. I would seek out every opportunity to indulge in things that the Goyim consider okay (books etc.), thinking that not looking at them is sort of like a חומרא which my parents keep. I’m not as ערליך as they are so I’m not so מקפיד. 

I remember one scene in my head. We were once in a hotel as a family,  my parents, having no clue was I was doing rented 2 separate rooms, one for themselves, and one for the kids. I remember waiting until all of my siblings fell asleep, and then turning on the cable TV and watching late in to the night. BH there was no porn, but there were many reveling scenes that triggered me in a major way. The next morning when my siblings were all up, with my parents still out of the room, I turned on to some “harmless” show. At one point, something immodest came up, I remember my younger brother going white in the face with shock and instinctively covering his eyes, I was immediately filled with a sense of shame at the contrast between myself and my younger brother. 

As I grew older, I found out that there was a concept of women being completely undressed. That, I told myself, is אסור and it became my red line. So anything up until porn, was only a חומרא, I could lust as much as I wanted, anything beyond that was אסור. What I came to realize this year, (this came to me through many posts on the forums) was that one can watch porn without watching porn. Porn is not the issue, lust is, and even looking at a fully clothed woman can be just as bad as watching a naked one when done in a lustful manner. This is what חז"ל mean when they say,  כל המסתכל באצבע קטנה של אשה כאילו הסתכל במקום התורפה. Honestly, I never really understood this גמ' until this year. Thank you forums. 

Lesson #8 - The luster’s brain is always doing things for his wife to procure sex in exchange. Even though had you asked me last year why I did such and such for my wife, I would have probably said “because I love her”, it wasn’t 100% percent true (not the love part, why I did it). To be clear, I often did do things for her without any thought of enumeration, however often this was not the case. Subconsciously, if I did something for her, I expected “something” in return. I thought she didn’t realize what my motives were, but I was dead wrong. This was made clear to me this year on a Fri. afternoon, when I brought home flowers a day or two after she got her period. Now I buy flowers very often. Most Shabbosim, every YomTov, and every occasion like her birthday, our anniversary etc. That week she told me, “this week the flowers mean so much more to me, because I know that you’re not doing it for anything in return”. I responded, “most times I buy flowers, it’s without any thought of compensation”. To which she responded, “I know, but now I feel it”. We’re getting places. 

Lesson #9 - The beauty of every Jew, no matter how far he’s fallen. This is strongly related to lesson #7. Since by the grace of G-d, never officially crossed over to the line of P&M, I used to somewhat look down at those that did. Even though I’ve dealt with Bochurim in the past, and I could give a great pep talk to a Bochur that came for Chizzuk, it was coming from a place of “this is beneath me, but I’ll share my expertise with you to help you, the Nebach that needs help”. Surely had I known about the more severe struggles that go on, I would have definitely looked down at those involved with a sense of righteous indignation. 

Once I internalized that lust is lust, the stark realization that I’m no different then them, hit me like a ton of bricks. There’s no real difference between us other than where our red lines were drawn. My circumstances led me to do abc, and this person’s circumstances led him to do xyz. 

BH that attitude has been completely eradicated from my psyche. All I see now, are beautiful, holy Yidden, some that struggle harder then others, each with his own mission to bring glory to our father in heaven. Even the one that struggles with very severe איסורים, is generally immersed in a sea pain, longing with all his soul to break free and be pure again. Sometimes that longing is caked with layers of grime and filth and it’s hard to be in touch with it, but what these forums have shown me, is that under it all, at its core, is a shining, beautiful soul, that’s crying out in pain of wanting to connect with something higher. 

Lesson #10 - The power of friends. I saved this for last, because to me this was the difference maker that allowed me to hold on to what I’ve achieved. It’s inevitable that there will always be bumps in the road. No matter how hard you try, the YH isn’t resting, צופה רשע לצדיק ומבקש להמיתו. The ability to pick up the phone and call someone for Chizzuk, support, or even just to Kvetch on a hard day, was invaluable. Also the opportunity to gives others Chizzuk, is a great source of Chizzuk for me as well. I’ve gotten way more then I’ve given, even when I’m giving. 

To those I have been זוכה to hug, to those I have been זוכה to spend hours on the phone with, and to those who’s posts have inspired me, I have no words to describe what each and every one of you means to me. I feel the warmth and love that emanates from this holy family. It gives me Chizzuk when I am down or sad (yes that still happens occasionally), it strengthens my resolve when I’m in a good place, and it’s an amazing support to have a network of friends who understand you and care for you like family.

All my Love, 


Re: Navigating the ocean of my life 23 Jul 2024 14:17 #417581

  • Muttel
  • Current streak: 142 days
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  • Posts: 343
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A masterpiece! Your blood, sweat, and tears apparent in every step and lesson!

Just a word on #11: I'm taking this opportunity as well to express my love and thanks to everyone on this Holy Site. The relationships I've been zoche to build here are what's keeping me going, nay, flying on this journey that would otherwise be dark and dreary. 

Everyone here has a portion in someone's aliya. 

May all the zechusim created here serve in all of our stead to keep climbing the mountain of Kedusha with all the ברכות הכתובות בתורה.

have a super meaningful fast chevra,

We're in this struggle together; feel free to reach out! 

Feel free to call/text! (908) 251-9590 (google)

Check out my thread here: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/413043-My-ENTIRE-story#413043
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