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Raboisai - I'm Living Real!
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TOPIC: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 8381 Views

Re: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 28 Jul 2024 19:54 #417937

  • redfaced
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iwannalivereal wrote on 28 Jul 2024 18:50:
Today will be 11 months since I've started my journey!

Summer months are always harder out on the streets... For me (thanks to 11 months of working on this) when I'm walking around I have fairly good control, I can walk through crowded stores with barley seeing anyone I don't want to see. It's when I'm driving that I somehow can't keep my eyes off the sidewalks and the hustle and bustle around me. Any eitzas would be greatly appreciated (other than taking off my glasses!)

Happens to be that I had a schedule change this month that has significantly minimized my nisyonons in shmiras einayim. Since the beginning of this school year, I had been picking up and dropping off my kid in a place that is absolutely teeming with hundreds of morahs. I'd often have to stand there for 5 to 10 minutes waiting with non stop "action" all around me. B"h I had lots of siyatta dishmaya, but it was not easy. As the school year ended and camp began I am no longer doing drop off or pick up. Included this, was not only did I no longer have to stand in a makom nisayon on a daily basis, I also don't have to get in my car most days due to this schedule change!

Living real and living on!

For me, I always said that the best way for me to not have my eyes wander while I drive, is to text someone. Anyone.
You'll find that you are so intently concentrating on your T9 getting the word right, while simultaneously controlling the steering wheel with your left knee, that your brain has has absolutely no room for anything else.
Bottoms up!

Just let me know before you try it - gotta clear the roads y'know

EDIT- Only works if the wife is not in the car with you. Trust me!!!
May you slide down the banister of happiness and get many splinters of success up your career

Feel free to send me an owl, a howler, or even a Crumple-Horned Snorkack to Iamredfaced@gmail.com

The Red Face
Last Edit: 29 Jul 2024 00:30 by redfaced.

Re: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 28 Jul 2024 19:57 #417939

Wow! Amazing!

Re: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 28 Jul 2024 20:04 #417941

  • yiftach
  • Current streak: 294 days
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AHHH!!! A breath of real life!

11 months! WOW! I remember telling you in the beginning, to just make sure that you stay ahead of me 

It's always ah mechayeh speaking to you... And hopefully we'll meet again b'karoiv!
I'm not sure if this is legal, but anyone reading this thread and didn't open up yet, and needs someone to talk to... This is your man!

Keep on being the GYE ambassador to the Torah world!

- Yiftach'l 
Looking forward to get to know you better! 

Email me @ yiftach1609@gmail.com or call/text 347-201-4989 (Google voice)

My story is unfolding here
"יפתח ה' לך את אוצרו הטוב"

Re: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 28 Jul 2024 22:38 #417952

  • chaimoigen
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It was short, but sweet. 
your beaming smile was eclipsed only 
by the Ohr of your Neshoma.

ואוהביו כצאת השמש בגבורתו

באהבה עזה, 

איש החפץ חיים

Please feel free to reach out anytime at chaim.oigen@gmail.com

Re: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 09 Aug 2024 03:09 #418767

  • iwannalivereal
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Although there are many people that I give credit and hakaras hatov for helping me throughout my journey as friends, there is one person that really gets credit for teaching me the skills that I so badly needed. There were way too many pieces missing in my puzzle, and I was just not able to go on anymore. I was really close to lots of badness. In stepped מורי ורבי R' Hillel S. שליט"א with his masterpiece "The Battle of the Generation". Through this book I learned a lifechanging perspective and many tools with which to properly fight in the battle of the generation.

R' Hillel's words have had such an incredible impact on my life - they literally took me from the depths of darkness to the highest heights. His words have saved my life, and changed my life. Meeting someone that gave me all that - there are no words to describe. It was a short meeting, but it was just long enough to create a bit of a relationship. Although R' Hillel is not much a part of the GYE family, he by default has a huge chelek in the success of myself and many others as well. I am in awe of such a person!
Feel free to say hi! iwannalivereal@gmail.com
Check out my story here!

Re: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 15 Aug 2024 16:09 #419223

  • redfaced
  • Current streak: 540 days
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iwannalivereal wrote on 09 Aug 2024 03:09:
Although there are many people that I give credit and hakaras hatov for helping me throughout my journey as friends, there is one person that really gets credit for teaching me the skills that I so badly needed. There were way too many pieces missing in my puzzle, and I was just not able to go on anymore. I was really close to lots of badness. In stepped מורי ורבי R' Hillel S. שליט"א with his masterpiece "The Battle of the Generation". Through this book I learned a lifechanging perspective and many tools with which to properly fight in the battle of the generation.

R' Hillel's words have had such an incredible impact on my life - they literally took me from the depths of darkness to the highest heights. His words have saved my life, and changed my life. Meeting someone that gave me all that - there are no words to describe. It was a short meeting, but it was just long enough to create a bit of a relationship. Although R' Hillel is not much a part of the GYE family, he by default has a huge chelek in the success of myself and many others as well. I am in awe of such a person!


May you slide down the banister of happiness and get many splinters of success up your career

Feel free to send me an owl, a howler, or even a Crumple-Horned Snorkack to Iamredfaced@gmail.com

The Red Face
Last Edit: 15 Aug 2024 16:50 by redfaced.

Re: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 15 Aug 2024 17:15 #419234

  • yiftach
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I second this motion!!!!!
Looking forward to get to know you better! 

Email me @ yiftach1609@gmail.com or call/text 347-201-4989 (Google voice)

My story is unfolding here
"יפתח ה' לך את אוצרו הטוב"

Re: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 15 Aug 2024 17:26 #419237

  • Muttel
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And I third it, MAZEL TOV!!!!!!

A child born to a father so pure from his conception……..

So proud to know you,
We're in this struggle together; feel free to reach out! 

Feel free to call/text! (908) 251-9590 (google)

Check out my thread here: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/413043-My-ENTIRE-story#413043

Re: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 15 Aug 2024 17:26 #419238

  • minhamayim
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OK, I would've been the first to wish you a public mazel tov on your thread  but I thought I'd let you choose weather you're gonna share it here or not. Thank you redface for making that decision for him

Mazaltov!! mazaltov!! Tizku lgadlo ltorah lchuppa ulmaasim tovim!!!

Re: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 15 Aug 2024 18:25 #419242

Mazel Tov! Tizcu l'gadlo ltorah ulchuppa ulmaasim tovim! U'lgadlo b'kdusah uv'tahara b'zchus all of the koach you have put in to being matzdik the rabim!

Re: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 15 Aug 2024 19:03 #419244

  • iwannalivereal
  • Current streak: 407 days
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Thanks guys for all the warm wishes! There's really nothing like having an anonymous (and sometimes not so anonymous) family to share simchos with!

It's actually interesting, I've been thinking about this post for almost 9 months now, as there's been a number of GYE related thoughts over the past tekufa.

First thing is, depending on how well you know me, you may know that I have not had a child in almost 4 years. Finally, my wife became pregnant. After making the cheshbon I realized - we became pregnant on the 90th day of my journey on GYE! For me this was a tremendous source of chizzuk. We'd been waiting and davening for some time. And then; 90 days clean, 90 amazing days of a new me, and our tefillos were answered! There is no way to describe the emotion of the moment when discovering that we'd be having a baby right around my first year anniversary on GYE. It feels like one of those big GYE hugs and kisses, only this time coming from shamayim!

Another GYE related nekuda, is that one of my favorite times for watching porn was late at night after my wife went to sleep. What's best about the late at night shift is that it's pretty much endless. It can go till 1, 2, or even 3. What had somewhat kept me safe from this part of the day for a long time was the fact that my wife almost never went to sleep before me. Only on very infrequent occasions did she fall asleep before, and so this opportunity was rarely had. For about 3 or 4 months of the pregnancy however, my wife was sound asleep by the time I came home from night seder. Had this happened even 6 months earlier, I can assure you that I would've sunken to new lows, and I would've been absolutely swallowed up by the monster. I would've spent hours upon hours nightly and... that may have been the end of me. I am overjoyed to report how ונהפוך הוא this time of night ended up being. Instead of being a time of yerida, it ended up being a time of tremendous aliya for me. Every night upon coming home I was able to learn with a geshmak, and with a menuchas hanefesh and freedom that would've have otherwise been absolutely impossible for me!

We should all be zoche to share in many simchos together!
Feel free to say hi! iwannalivereal@gmail.com
Check out my story here!

Re: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 15 Aug 2024 19:42 #419249

  • yiftach
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Avi Haben, I'll just echo what HHM posted numerous times bsheim Reb Mendel Rimonover Zt"l.

When someone sacrifices something to the Ribono Shel Oilum, they have a power in shamayim to ask for a specific yeshuah. It's baduk uminusa. And your story is a testament of it too. 

Much nachos from your newest extension "baby IWLR". Hope to make it for the bris 

- Yiftach'l 
Looking forward to get to know you better! 

Email me @ yiftach1609@gmail.com or call/text 347-201-4989 (Google voice)

My story is unfolding here
"יפתח ה' לך את אוצרו הטוב"

Re: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 15 Aug 2024 20:03 #419251

  • gevura shebyesod
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מזל טוב!!!!

!אנא עבדא דקודשא בריך הוא

וּבְיָדְךָ כֹּחַ וּגְבוּרָה וּבְיָדְךָ לְגַדֵּל וּלְחַזֵּק לַכֹּל

"If it would be so easy there wouldn't be a GYE, but if it would be impossible there also wouldn't be a GYE."
"Sometimes a hard decision leads to an easier outcome."
- General Grant

My story: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/111583-hello-my-friends

Re: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 15 Aug 2024 20:15 #419252

  • cande
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what a simcha!
:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!

Last Edit: 15 Aug 2024 21:51 by cande.

Re: Raboisai - I'm Living Real! 15 Aug 2024 20:27 #419254

  • 138eagle
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A very warm and heartfelt Mazal Tov!!!

May you have much nachas from this addition!
Your strength that you gained over this last תקופה will deffintely stand you to guide this child to fight and conquer anything the worls throws at him and to be able to grow to a true Heilige Yid living a real life!
Come fly with me as I fly higher!
My Story

Feel free to reach out to me.
Last Edit: 15 Aug 2024 20:38 by 138eagle.
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