I wanted to write a reply to all of you, but I guess that doesn't really seem possible, so I'm going to "reply to myself" here, because many of you said it would be best to stick to just one thread or at least one forum -- the only reason I posted stuff in the other forum is that based on what the forum topics are, I thought my questions were more appropriate in the various respective forums, but I'm new here, and maybe it's much more flexible than I realize -- I literally thought that if I post on other topics in the same thread that was about a different topic and / or if I post in one forum about some topic that's officially not covered by that forum that a moderator would email or respond on the forum and say "your post is fine, but it's in the wrong area of the forum". Indeed, that might happen with this post.
But the idea is for all of you to read the reply when you have a chance -- anyway, since a number of you suggested I stick to one thread or one forum, I'll copy and paste the stuff I wrote in the other forum here so you can respond when you are able:
First, I have a question about using Tefillah as an aid for recovery:
It's of course part of the 12-step groups, but I also just feel I need to ask for G-d's help to deal with this whole addiction problem. I also believe in, as I mentioned in my introduction, going on GYE every day, talking to people on here, reading Divrei Chizuk, and setting up a regularly scheduled "program", which includes these things and other kinds of Hishtadlus, like saying the 10 Kapitlach of Tehillim of Rebbe Nachman, aka Tikun Klali, and just making up some general Tefillah to use to ask Hashem for help, or using one that has already been created -- has such a thing been created already, other than HaMapil and Tefillah Zakah? Do people use these at other times besides right before going to bed or right before Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, respectively? Any thoughts anyone has on Tefillah would be helpful, like what people say, what helps, if anything doesn't help, and any other tips you think I would find helpful. Thanks!
My second issue involves getting help with filters:
Right now I use K9 on a Windows 8 computer. I'm inclined to believe that the best set up is to block nearly everything except what I need for school, banking, and maybe some other matters, or maybe to try to not own my own PC and manage at places like the libraries and / or houses of friends and / or on my mother's PC, which is heavily filtered, but I'd like ideas on what works well for people. I get triggered by regular pornography, images of it, videos of it, and even less intense forms, like women dressed up with some clothes on but exposing private areas on their bodies, certain kinds of youtube videos on mature topics, sometimes even sites discussing sex education cause problems for me. Basically, for me, any time I see a woman immodestly dressed as an image, in a video, on a website, or sometimes even if I only see certain language that is vulgar or sexually explicit, even if unaccompanied by a picture, it can trigger relapses and falls. Especially if anyone has experience with K9, I'd like to hear what you suggest about the most effective settings to use. Also, I'd like feedback on the other filter and accountability options. I read about K9 and the others on GYE, but I would like to hear from people who actually used them about what they are designed to do, if they worked well, is there room for improvement, and if your filter and / or accountability software didn't work well, what option/s are you looking into next, etc. Thanks!