Hi 'ataglance12345', nice name. Thanks for sharing so much of your situation here, it probably helps you and others, as well.
Maslow said, "To the man who only has a hammer in his toolbox, all problems appear to be nails."
So as a man thank-G-d successfully recovering in SA, I can only say that you
may be an addict, and that 12 step recovery [i]may [/] work for you. It is working beautifully for many I know, b"H, and may of them were far worse off than you seem to be, and some were not. Still, I don't and won't tell you that you need it...though you may. It'll always be up to you.
Another thing I can say is that you have opened up so much here on GYE, told us 'people' so much that you have hidden from everybody else. It's a great step forward for a secretly suffering person! But you say you would go to the bar without a bag over your head, but not to an AA or SA meeting. I have done much of what you describe, over and over again, as a married man...you only
imply you are married but do not say straight out if you are...and am familiar with the horribly deep pain about such confusing behavior. It's a living hell - every month or so.
Alcoholics refer to a drunk who only gets actually
drunk once in a while, a 'periodic'. It seems to be the worst hell of all, if you ask me. But like you so honestly put it, you
love the exhilarating feelings of the whole thing: walking into the bar tingling with wonder about who you'll end up finding, the chase, making the magic flirting connection with no strings attached; being totally alone and hidden with a stranger who doesn't give a crap for you of course, but seems as excited about using you for the evening as
you are about using her (or more)...and the rest is of course dictated like a script...'same routine' as you described it.
You refer to it as 'the Yetzer Hora'. Sounds religious. But the truth may be that you just like it. That the way you are, you just feel you absolutely need it right now. I remember not feeling as though I didn't
need it first - yet ended up finding myself back on the hunt, or back in the porn trance and masturbation, or off cruising again. I'd like to suggest that calling it 'the Yetzer Hora' is just a tool to prevent you from accepting that these are your own choices you are making every other month or whatever. Yes, there may be yetzer hora involved here - but let's set the hocus-pocus aside for a minute here: However you slice it, you are not a well man. It is not mentally and psychologically congruent for a frum man (as you do believe you are) to be making these choices. And as an addict myself, I implore you: Please do not hide behind addiction, as though it were yet
another magical force 'making you do it'. Enough with the excuses religious or otherwise: You are clearly not well. Please get real help.
Posting on an anonymous forum behind a fake name is something, but not enough. When I finally was ready to admit to myself I had serious problems, I went to a good therapist (and admitted everything in all the details to her)
even though my wife would find out about it. I felt this would kill me if I did not stop.
Do you feel that way yet, or do you really feel you still have 'safer' options? I'd never have taken real steps myself if I felt I had 'safer' options, so I do not blame you if you do. Maybe
sometimes you feel you do, and at other times that you do not. Maybe if you are posting here, you have had enough and are finally ready to get real help. Tell your wife or whoever, that you have anxiety you cannot explain - whatever. Is this an emergency, or not? Mine is for me, and that is why I got the help I needed and am clean one day at a time for over 18 years now, bH.