Hi to all the tzadikim that are involved in the holy of holiest work that this website does. How lucky you are to be the emissaries of hashem and toiling in the realm of that which will bring Moshiach, the avoda of kedusha. As the talmidei bal shem Tov write that this is the final leg of our work and toil in exile, and the the key to the redemption.
As the level of temptation in our era is incomparably larger than it has been in history via the internet etc. How honorable and how good it makes us feel that out of the hundreds of generations of the greatest and holiest yidden that hashem created since the creation of the world - hashem chose US people to be the closers. It is us that will finish the job.
In response to the question of whether the message that was posted (a.k.a Torah in its depth as the holy seforim explain it ) works. Of course it works. How could Torah not work? As the whole struggle was orchestrated by hashem in order for us to overcome why wouldnt it work? What would be the point of all the SEEMING pain and toil and confusion? The one who created the"problem" knew about how we will operate in response to it because he made us operate the way we do in the first place.He who made the "problem" equally created our response to it.He who made the problem mapped out exactly and precisely whatever it is that we end up doing and thinking, and thats what he wanted and brings him nachas to no end. Hashem created the GYE website along with every single typed word and thought that his holy children post on it. EVERY iota of seeming confusion,seeming disagreement,seeming failure and likewise,agreement,success,that are discussed,debated and felt, was created by him for our good.
When we slowly start realizing that all the talk of sin and punishment etc.is all before the sin,and afterwards we are only to think of how it is hashem that destined for me to "fail" for my own benefit,we slowly ease into a world of sweetness and feeling indescribable love.We slowly start feeling the joy in our journey. We slowly replace the feelings of when will I free myself of this struggle to- OMG -I cannot believe that hashem chose little me and my buddies out of the millions of holy jews that preceded me that were not chosen to have our modern day temptations.It slowly replaces the feelings of fear, worry,sadness,that we used to feel before and after the sin to that of love and feeling honored to have been chosen for this mightiest of tasks.We feel his loving us unlike anything we have felt before.We now know that we ARE NOT TO FEEL SCARED about "falling" for hashem wants us to overcome those feelings, as he only wants us to feel bsimcha at all times bar none. Before ,during chas vsholom, and after the sin equally. We now start to be joyous that chas vsholom after a "fall" - God wanted to see me strive to be happy that Im a jew, even though I dont feel naturally happy (in order to overcome) but Im doing it anyway because he wants that. We strive to revel in the fact that hashem chose little me to do teshuva once again even though it does not come naturally.We get closer and closer to him after a "fall" chas vsholom when we strive to incorporate that he willed this fall and I will not be upset about it to the best of my ability. If thats what he wants - I want it as well after the fact. It would seem to me that I would be happier if I would not have fallen- but he thinks this is best.If he thinks so -I think so.We learn that a 'fall' chas vsholom IS NOT A BUMP IN THE ROAD- it is the road. It is the road. We have to repeat that to ourselves every day over and over again.
Hashem wants us to strenghten ouselves nonstop. When a negative thought (brought about for us to overcome) pops into his sweet childrens mind- he wants us to know that this is just ONE of the reasons that the person "fell"- to work on acquiring seemingly unnatural positive thoughts.He wants us to work on the holiness of humility and feel the initial instinctive koach hatuma (that which hashem is hidden inside of)the thought of negativity after the sin chas vsholom(for us to overcome) and see us tell ourselves, I am going to think about him now and not about how I feel bad about it.I am trusting him that all is well. I am trusting that he loves my teshuva efforts so much. He loves my humility effort. He loves my simcha efforts.He is sheppping nachas how I keep on working like a loyal son over and over and over again without actually feeling that great. He loves how I try to put him before me and for trying to overcome the thought of how I would have liked for it to go another way instead of his way. When we feel our efforts are not going so well- we say to ourselves- this too was his will that it should not "seem" to go well upto this point and all is well. All this in conjunction with going forward with a fiery zeal in our work. There is more in the seforim on everything being discussed.
A holy and sweet shabos to all a that is what it is going to be. In a similar vein the seforim write that the possuk "Kedoshim Tiyu" in parshas kedoshim is not just a command- the way we learn it on the pshat level of torah. it is also on the fourth level of torah which is sod- (Pardes = pshat, remez,drush,sod.) a guarantee, as in -kedoshim tiyu- you WILL be holy.