Woah, I never meant that they are 100% fake just because they are not 100% exposed/real.
Let me backtrack a bit, here:
It is of course very rare for
any connection that two people have will ever be
100% real. In connection with this, the gemorah says "
ein ish meis ella l'ishto, v'ein isha meisa ella l'ba'aloh" - the intimacy and realness of the proper marriage is one that means they are truly connected. So when R"l one dies, it is to the other one that a part of them is gone. Not so even with any other loved one R"l dies - as much as the horror of that tragedy may feel far worse than losing a spouse, it is
still not the other half of the person. Yes, the pain may never leave, the loss may never leave, the horror of it may be unimaginable (and we should never know from such tragedies in Klal Yisroel)...but the loss of a
true spouse changes the way a person
is and
lives in a way that nothing else can - if their marriage was right. That may not make the agony worse than other losses may be - but it makes it more life-changing. Other losses/deaths can be less real and more easily compartmentalized. And so, 'ein ish meis ella l'ishto...'
[On the other hand, if the husband or wife is an addict [i]not[/i] in recovery and maintains a double life hiding all kinds of things 'for shalom bayis'
, then the intimacy there? Are we really talking about 'a marriage' in sense that the gemorah is talking?]
OK...that was a tangent...but normally, what connection
is the
ultimate honesty? I think it is a question of degrees. Lemoshol, if a new GYE-er is sweating as he posts for the very first time...he is using a fake name, yes - but for him the newfound honesty is so powerful, so liberating. It's great.
But as time goes on, it loses its power, of course. I suggest that is because it is still so comfort-based.
You keep asking why I say the honesty only works if it is 'really hard to do' - I think that is missing the point. 'More honesty' doesn't work because it is uncomfortable, rather, it it uncomfortable
because it works. And the sad truth is that we are not being secretive due to fear of being found out...we are hiding
in order to protect our one closest, greatest love and best friend of all: our sexual acting out.
So taking any real steps that might jeopardize our freedom to porn out and freely use our erotica or masturbation without any real accountability, is terrifying! And if it is honest,
it should be terrifying!
Now, let's say after a while posting with a fake name, he sees that his posting is just not enough. OK, so the next step he takes is: posting more honestly. Or maybe using his real first name (provided it isn't something like Chuna-Feitel, of course)...all good things. Maybe that will help - maybe that will be enough forever. Seriously. Who knows?
And that step may be all the guy needs!
For many, this wears off too. What many people need is meeting face to face with another real practicing chronic habitual porn user and masturbater who is clean....and can see them know them and be known, too - and be honest about exactly what's going on with them. There may be more honesty than that, too...I do not know. But that level of truthfulness is often what people who are clean find they need.
I do not mean to ever put down anything that is actually
working for someone on GYE. It is only when it does
not work, that I try to ask people why they insist that this is all they can do - that they cannot possibly do more and why they tell themeselves the lie that they
must hide behind a fake name otherwise: "they'd be unable to be honest?" Gevalt, let them keep their masturbating with honesty. Some feel they'd die if they'd open up to safe, real live people..it's not true. What's going on here is that people are willing to play all manner of games - as long
as it does not REALLY endanger their precious stash.
But if the posting in a virtual website, with a fake name and without getting really clear about what they are desiring, doing, or whatever - is working for them...I'd never criticize that!
PS. R' Twerski has been quoted as having said that "if a person's sexual misbehavior was virtual (as in just with porn images) and not with real people (as would be with prostitution, for example), then virtual recovery tools (such as GYE posting) is enough for them." Sounds rather elegant, no? But how could that be true?
I'd take issue with it for the simple reason that masturbating oneself is not a virtual act at all. Neither is looking at porn. The porn may be virtual, yes. But no one here will say that when he was looking at porn it was not a real, live, visceral experience!
So it seems he was misquoted.
We men who have been struggling inside with our inner pain over our hidden behavior, have had enough insistence on 'inner recovery work for our inner problem' and 'totally hidden recovery for our totally hidden problem'. Denial will not help denial, and hiding more will not help our hiding.
Chaza"l tell us, "Kol ha'over aveiroh b'tzin'ah, nifro'im mimenu bagolui." In other words, I believe they are telling us that it is our choice: Either recover by opening up to real people and feeling that gilui
in a recovery venue that is actually safe - or end up getting caught and publicly embarrassed by the fruits of our own fake lives and wreckage. It's not a 'punishment' at all, but just the way real life works.