It's going to be so great for you in the long run that your wife already knows about it. But what you tell her, is a thing you two need to work out. Good advice is needed and G-d will have to help you a lot. It's impossible for anyone who doesn't know you well to give you advice or belabor you two with easy general rules like 'never tell her this' or always 'tell her that'.
So opening up to people is gonna be a very big part of the learning process, I bet. And as you can guess, books on this topic will probably be totally useless.
But I'm sad you wrote that
being more embarassed is a part of this thing. It's not. Gevalt. Is this a 'truth or dare game' or something?
Lemoshol - telling a person who would be more damaging to your reputation, or klopping on the bimah, would do you no good whatesoever - while telling your trusted Rov, a good friend who knows you well and understands something about porn and masturbating, would probably be much better. You are right that telling absolute strangers who have no shaychus to you is much easier - and so, basically worthless - in comparison to speaking in honest, great detail about exactly what you do, how often you do it, and when you do it.
In SA, we write an inventory about the first time we discovered the sweetness and power of porn, voeurysm or erotica, and masturbation. We write down on real paper our exact and detailed history of what we did from then, till the last time we used the stuff - without ANY self-analysis or explanation. Just the facts.
v'chosem yad kol odom bo.
And we share it openly in our homegroup meeting, where the people know us for we have been going and sharing and listening, for some weeks or months.
The entire excercise is the way we really see whether we are addicts, or not. If we are, it also helps us accept the truth about things rather than continue engaging in our familiar, convoluted self-analysis, 'battles', and stories. Keeps it simple.
You do not need to do that in an SA meeting. You can start writing it out today on paper. Keep it well-hidden, and finish it in a few days be"H. And when you are done, share it all with a trusted person who understands what you are talking about and will not just get a heart attack. An addict in recovery would be perfect for that. For if you choose a guy who cannot relate and cannot admit to you that he has ever masturbated, you are probably wasting your time. The honesty will be a one-way street. Useless. And using your wife for that (as I have posted before) is probably just chicken and cruel. People actually pick their wives to be open to (
davka their wives, mind you) simply because their wives have as much shame about the facts being exposed publicly as the guy does - so he knows his secret is safe withher. Pathetic. A captive audience. And unless she is a trained therapist, a woman cannot understand and cannot help - especially if she is as invested in the guy's sobriety and acting out as a wife is.
And finally, if 'chizzuk' (rather than self-honesty) is the only thing your chosen friend can think of to give you in response, then he is just trying to save you and inspire you...and I submit you'd be completely wasting your time there, as well.
Just one eitza you can do.
PS. There are many of us who discover that we need to be completely honest with our wives - if we act out our lust and actually look at porn, engage in phone sex, go to a dirty business, or masturbate ourselves, etc. Most of us, actually do that.
But sharing your inner desires and doubst about the lady at work you see every day, your sister-in-law, or videos that replay in your head? No. Those things are usually cruel and useless to share with one's wife. I am not giving you a 'rule of thumb' here, just an opinion. As I wrote above, how you apply this stuff is betwen you and your wife and should be discussed OPENLY with her.
Hatzlocha again and pardon my rambling on and on, too.