helpme! wrote on 15 Dec 2011 09:50:
When i have the urge i feel that nothing else in life is important. i feel that only by fulfilling my urge will i feel any sense of achievement. everything else in life is dull and boring. but my virtual flesh friends....uh they are my only true friends in life. they are true life. everything else is death. there is action i feel a pull so strong that i have nothing to do but follow. i feel captured by predators leading me to final salvation. fighting is already out of the picture. i offer up a little prayer to hashem but its already too late. i have already fallen.
Your sharp description captures the problem as it really is, at least for me. Yet I am clean one day at a time, for years today. My life was in the toilet for over a decade - yet it is now the way I wish it had always been..actually better. There is recovery, and hope for a good life when you are ready to give up the BS. I also understand that when I am in it, nothing else matters - Torah, shmorah, job, my health, family...all useless and weak, weak, weak.
If you are ready, you
can get help. I hope you keep opening up here and elsewhere with safe people and do not accept pats on the shoulder, but really take some steps to
allow yourself to get better, be"H.
You are a lucky guy, right now. Go with it.