Do you have a GPS?

Thursday, 09 February 2012

"Letakein" Posted:

Yesterday, I was feeling sad and I realized that I hadn't spoken to Hashem in English in a really long time. I was driving and I just started talking out loud as if Hashem was in the passenger seat right next to me. As soon as I started with, "Hi Hashem, it's Letakain", I just burst out crying. I didn't even realize how much I missed my connection with Him until I decided to get it back. We spoke for a while, and I felt so relieved and comforted!

"7up" Responds:

He wasn't in the passenger seat. He was the driver. You were just sitting on His lap - like a little kid sitting on Dad's lap and pretending he's the one driving as he helps turn the wheel!

Trust the GPS:
G - G-d's
P - Personal
S - Supervision

"Kanesher" Responds:

A friend of mine took R' Yakov Friedman (Rosh Yeshiva of Sha'ar Meir in Betar) on a fundraising trip - with a GPS. He wasn't the world's best navigator and they constantly heard the voice say "recalculating route", over and over again. R' Yakov smiled- "what a mussar haskel - a person loses his way, once, twice, again and again, and he's thinks he's never get there - but the Ribono Shel Olam watches him, and again and again show's him his path from were he is - recalculating the route over and over again".

"Kedusha" responds:

Rav Yisroel Reisman took this Mussar from his GPS: When things don't go our way, instead of getting angry or frustrated, we should think (or say) calmly, "recalculating route."

This is so true. Anyone who has used a GPS can relate to the fact that no matter how many times we mess up the route the GPS never gets angry or upset, it just simply recalculates the route. If only we could look at life that way! Throughout the day, countless things happen that are not the way we wanted or expected, and we get all frizzled, upset, angry, resentfull, etc, etc... If we could only imagine that we are just "machines of Hashem's will" in the world and that our job is to just calmly continue recalculating the route at every point that Hashem puts something different than we expected in front of us. If we could internalize this, our lives would be calm and peaceful, and we would get rid of most of the R.I.D (Restlessness, Irritability and Discontent) that causes us to run to our addictions.