Someone wrote to Dov:
Steve said something yesterday on the morning call that really hit home with me. He said that when we get triggered, at that moment we need to say to ourselves, "OK, G-d, You've got my attention! Where are we going with this? What message do you ...
Thanks for your great work. I never thought until now that it's possible to get loose from all the garbage in my mind and eyes. Now I see the light illuminating again for myself and my family.
I signed up INSTANTLY for the 90 day chart and the forum. So far it's been great. I needed this 20 years ago and I would be a different person if I had.
The only benefit you will get from the program is from working it yourself. Step-study is fun, but practically useless. In fact, it can be poison, if it gives one the perception that they are "working these steps"... no, they are only thinking about working them - not wor...
There was a recent article in the Mishpacha dealing with the terrible nisyonos of the internet. It was called "Is the Battle Lost?". Click here to download the article. One of our members (known as "Yurojew") sent in the following reply to Mishpacha, which we hope they wi...
Someone asks Dov:
Everyone keeps mentioning how they "work" the steps everyday. Can I have specific instructions on how that is done every day? I know the steps and try to work em, but clearly I don't get it...
Dov Replies:
Working the steps is exactly what it sounds li...
I've been having UPS and DOWNS and UPS and DOWNS. I had a few days when I was really taking some lustful looks at people I shouldn't be looking at. I've been thinking about "WHY?" As Duvid Chaim always says (from the Big-Book), we're all fueled by our R.I.D--Restlessnes...
"Loi-miyaeish" (a bachur) wrote in the forum:
BARUCH SHECHAYANU VEKIYAMANU VEHIGIYONU LAZMAN HAZEH! Guys, I'm overwhelmed with emotion. I reached 90 days this Rosh Hashana! But there again, without Hashem's help, it would not have been possible. For over a year, I've bee...