Do you feel ambivalent about porn? Do you both love it and despise it? Ambivalence is not the same as indifference. Ambivalence means that you have contradictory feelings towards porn at the same time. Do you feel like you really need it, but also feel that you need to stop? Do you feel that would like to stop, but aren’t ready yet?
“Celebrate Yetzias Mitzrayim in Shanghai, combined with a Far East cruise. The 18-day trip will take you to China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, The Philippines & Hong Kong, with an experienced tour guide, Kosher for Passover mehadrin meals and luxury accommodations.”
The ad looks interesting. China always intrigued you. You might even find some business opportunities there. But 18 days? That’s a lot of time. Is it normal to go the Far East for 18 days? On the other hand, it could be very relaxing and refreshing. You’ll have an amazing time and come back with with lot of energy.
Another factor is the price. Is this the best way to spend your money? Why the Far East? Will the atmosphere be appropriate? Will the kashrus standards be up to par? Maybe a summer trip to Europe makes more sense.
This state of ambivalence (mixed feelings about your options) is called contemplation. It’s natural to spend some time in this stage before any big decision, whether it’s deciding who to marry, where to travel or whether to change a habit.
It will take a few days or weeks to decide whether to go to the Far East. You need to carefully weigh the pros and cons so that you can make an informed decision. You know that if you impulsively decide to go, you are asking for buyers remorse.
The Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA), also known as Decisional Balance Exercise outside of SMART, can help us reach clarity when you have mixed feelings about something.
The best strategy to resolving our amblivance and finally making a decision, is to put all your considerations for change on one piece of paper, so that you can see them at once and compare the factors to each other.
Here are some sample worksheets:
Usually, we either think about the pros of the behavior (e.g. it’s enjoyable), or about the cons (e.g. this goes against my values and I really need to stop). This causes us to feel stuck and ambivalent about change.
With the CBA, we can review both the pros and cons at once, compare them to each other, and then reach a decision about how to proceed.
Some tips:
- If you are struggling with both porn and masturbation, do a separate CBA for each.
- Try to fill out the CBA worksheet as thoroughly as possible, don’t rush it. It’s OK to work on this for a few hours or even a few days.
- Once satisfied with what you wrote, you can write “short term” or “long term” near each item.
Hopefully, this exercise will show you that the pros of change outweigh the cons. In the future, if you ever have doubts or second thoughts about what you really want, you’ll be able to remind yourself, that when you thought about it with a clear mind, you’ve come to a solid decision about what is best for you.
If you find it hard to come up with the pros of quitting, try doing the Roles & Values exercises.
Feel free to post your pros and cons in this thread, it can give inspiration to other members when doing their own CBA.
I've put some of my examples in the spoiler below. But it's works best if you come up with your own reasons, instead of copying some else's.
Warning: Spoiler!Benefits:
- I have fun when I watch porn
- It helps me relax
- It helps me not think about my problems.
- It helps me release sexual tension
- I feel very guilty after watching porn
- It makes me feel rotten inside
- The pleasure isn’t worth the negative feelings that come afterwards
- It goes against my values
- It makes my wife less attractive to me
- It hurts my Sholom Bayis,
- It wastes a lot of time
- I might get caught and lose respect from my wife / children
- I feel like I’m living a double life
- Forces me to lie and keep secrets
- It makes me feel spiritually distant
Not Watching Porn
- I would respect myself more
- I would feel much better about myself
- I’d feel in control of myself
- I’d feel spiritually clean and closer to Hashem
- It could be a better husband, and have a much better relationship
- I could be a better role model for my kids
- I’d feel more confident
- I’ll feel much more hopeful about the future
- It would free up a lot time to do much more productive things - or even earn more money
- It would empower me to accomplish new exciting goals
- I won’t need to keep secrets and cover my tracks - I’ll be able to be more honest and truthful with others
- I’d be able to get into learning again
- I’d get more sleep at night and feel more energetic during the day
- I’ll need to find another way to manage my frustration
- I won’t have a way to relieve stress
- I’ll need to cope with problems
- I might feel bored a lot of the time
- I would not have an outlet for my urges, it would keep on building up until I “pop”.
- It will be very difficult in the beginning
Another great exercise to increase motivation is to explore your values in life and think about your current behavior interferes with them. See
here for more info.
For more options to increase motivation
click here.