not really, except for you guys. there are some people that i WOULD be able to get close to and be happy with, but 1st thing is that im in the high school and they are in the bais medrish level so we dont see each other often +the ones i would want to get close with (which i am close with) are getting married much less availible time.
thank you. i hear your message and it is good, i am never alone, im always under hashems arm, but its hard to really feel that.
truthfully i will always be alone on my own mission, the only thing is that i dont have to always be physically alone to fulfill the mission. some day i will have a beutiful wife and beuitfull children (bli ayin harah) and i will always have them to be with and be in a place and enviroment that i create, but until that day, i still need to just keep pushing.