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ToAdd A journal
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: ToAdd A journal 14994 Views

Re: ToAdd A journal 22 Mar 2011 14:07 #101542

You heal by being honest with urself, knowing that u have flaws isn't good enough everytime u fall u have to reevaluate what made u mess up. By evaluating and subsequently creating or altering ur "defense system" one can grow. I know its hard to win when p*rn is in ur reach but by making it hard to get to or devising a system geared toward wtvr ur particular lust is, this is all g-d asks of us. to put up shields and to show that we are growing. g-d doesnt want us to sit around in our own guilt depressed and crestfallen. We should arise for each day is a new day, and do u think that on t his day u can plan better for the future.

Don't look at this as a war, u have to fight each battle individually and concentrate only on it alone. If u look at lust as a war it will defeat u. Be strong for u are a Jew.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 22 Mar 2011 17:10 #101565

  • me3
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ToAdd wrote on 22 Mar 2011 07:34:

Sunday night I fell.
My mind is not in a good place.
I'm feeling down, angry.
I really can't do this to myself anymore.

Baby steps. You need to pick yourself up before you can walk and walk before you can run.
How do you truly start again? How do you heal?

Sunday night you didn't fall, that was the culmination of days of struggling.
"I really can't do this myself anymore"

No kidding.

Fighting with lust is a miserable losing battle that you will not win.

But hey keep on fighting if it suits you.

Or, if your desperate enough maybe you'll start a program that really works.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 24 Mar 2011 08:59 #101842

  • ToAdd
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What a battle yesterday.
I managed to say no, I managed to win the battle when the desire was at its strongest.

"Or, if your desperate enough maybe you'll start a program that really works."

I’m running from the effort. I’m seeking comfort rather than doing what needs to be done.
I’ve lost focus on why I’m here (in the bigger sense).
I need to cheer up. Need some inspiration.
I'm just not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel.
The desperation has been killed by the lack of interest.

Need to get back into my work.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 25 Mar 2011 05:37 #102009

  • ToAdd
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Well, I'm feeling 'normal' again.
Depression is for losers.

Yay, it's Friday.
Maybe I need a haircut?
Feeling like old energy is haning on to the ends of my unwieldy hair.

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Re: ToAdd A journal 27 Mar 2011 13:23 #102140

  • silentbattle
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Haircuts are fun. Nothing like the feeling of tefillin sliding into place the next morning!

Glad to hear that you're getting back to normal!
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Re: ToAdd A journal 28 Mar 2011 05:53 #102235

  • ToAdd
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Thanks SB
I just was not myself last week.

I've been depressed about an old issue that I just can't seem to leave in the past.
How foolish it is to dwell on an old issue that is no longer even a problem.
I've decided to apply the 3 second rule to that too. If it comes into my mind, think of something else...

Tuck, Truck, Truck, Tuck - Trucking.

If anyone see's a mind, it's probably mine, 'cos I've lost mine.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 29 Mar 2011 05:22 #102409

  • ToAdd
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Not so strong today.
Some thoughts just wont leave.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 29 Mar 2011 06:34 #102414

  • ToAdd
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Wow, I just had a very liberating thought:

It's okay to feel hate about someone.
I don't need to feel guilty about hating someone that I may never see again.
It's okay if she hates me, and it's okay if I hate her (Well not her, but what she did).

"Remember what Amalek did to you on the road, on your way out of Egypt."
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Re: ToAdd A journal 30 Mar 2011 07:36 #102561

  • ToAdd
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BH things are going well.
Nothing else toadd.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 31 Mar 2011 08:53 #102726

  • ToAdd
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Hello wAll.

I've had too much caffeine. That doesn't help.
Especially since I'm trying to get my head around a rather technical piece of code.

1 week clean. (okay not 100% clean, but that was too small to count, and I don't really remember what I did anyway).

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Re: ToAdd A journal 31 Mar 2011 18:35 #102780

  • Rising Up
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Talking to a wall???

Go to GuardYourWALL.com
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Re: ToAdd A journal 01 Apr 2011 11:09 #102905

  • ToAdd
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Is that near gaza?

BH I've made it to the 8 day mark.
I feel like I just don't need that stuff.
The key now is to keep on not needing it, to keep on not wanting it and to leave the rest in Hashem's hand.

If I stop pursuing it, I'm sure Hashem will help stop it from pursuing me.
I think I've found better ways of dealing with my emotional issues.
I've been more open with people around me.
Finding the balance is not so easy, especially when you're being nudged, but that's what strengthens us.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 04 Apr 2011 05:36 #103073

  • ToAdd
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Day 11, Monday.
I'm feeling some Monday urges. Got things to do, don't have time for silly urges...

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Re: ToAdd A journal 05 Apr 2011 07:18 #103128

  • ToAdd
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Day 12.
A little quiet around here

Not in my head though. Some old thoughts returning.
Trying not to entertain them.

Dear ToAdd
All you have to do is think about something else instead.
Think about that new exciting project you're working on. It'll be fun and very rewarding.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 05 Apr 2011 13:40 #103145

  • ur-a-jew
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Dear ToAdd: Just don't lose sight of the fact that those thoughts are coming from the RBSO. He sent them to you and He can help you overcome them. Hatzlacha.
Help free Sholom Rubashkin by giving him the zechus of Shemiras Eiynayim.  www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=2809.0
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