I can't hold-sobriety for even one day!
I had to lie strait out to my wife, telling her I stopped looking at porn on the computer, otherwise she won't let me use it at all! scary.
In reality I spent the entire LunchNlearn call surfing porn from yet another loophole my filtere granted me, google. Me and google go way back... And somehow mty filter locked the safe search, on strict? It's allitle more of a chalenge, but we can get around that plenty!
A&W:This orning laying in bed I was oponderuing my options. More sleap, or to daven shacharis. I pklayed out what my day would look like if I lived to lust.... I felt all ichy hopeless and brocken already. Then i played-out in my head how I would feel living closer to hashem, and it fealt great! So i did it. Putting on tzizis I stood dumb-struck (or plainly dumb) trying to realise what on earth i am doing. What does G-D intend of me from these fringes? it's a uniform to remembe that throughout all my porn adventures, I am still his 'loyal' servant. he has been wating for this moment for a L-O-N-G- TIME. Negel Vasser, why? what is tahara, touching myself down there requires washing?? I'm a בריה חדשה with a new chance?? My neshama came back after an absence... why didn't he knock, I can't feel it???
I never paid enough attention to the pesukim we say when wearing a tallis. Where have I been, this is exactly what I need! It's been a long time since pesukai dezimra started off so heartfelt. 'Shelo asani goy... i did that to myself thanks' 'Shelo asasni isha... he wanted me to have MORE oppertunities to connect to him, and i'm losing 247to 1 (עבר קטן can destroy them ALL).
I have a neshama, and it's much more enjoyable holding hashem's hand.....
...Rolling in the filth of porn, masturbation, and self pity, feels horrible. MY CHOICE