Think wrote on 24 Oct 2012 12:30:
I wouldn't write my name and I also would not describe upcoming events etc. because your neighbor down the street can be on GYE and spot you.
The chance of a neighbor even knowing about GYE is very remote, most charadim have no clue about GYE, add the fact I mix in a very Hebrew speaking environment and this forum is in English.
Even if someone is looking at these posts why would he look if he was not an addict himself? Or at least with some kind or issue?
In addition I think there should be GYE meetings, where we can meet and talk face to face. Could be there are SA meetings catering for this.
If I understand Reb Dov correctly, part of the process of getting well is opening up to our fellow addicts.
Personally, Think Good, I feel that nederman is right. Sharing personal details about family plans, simchas and stuff like that are to be done with care here on the forum. More people than you imaging may be reading this forum and as I have writeen here dozens of times already, only a minority or the GYE readers are actually addicts. Most just have a yetzer hora, a computer, and genitals. So naturally they get in some occasional trouble. So it stands to reason that many (possibly most) readers here
are curious onlookers.
And yes, your use of people is a great idea. Opening up is the way, as Rav Elimelech zy"a and many others have written. But they were all referring to normal people (the yetzer hora people). For addicts it is even more important, and it is quite obvious why. Just ask Captain Kirk. (Do you know the post I am referring to?) He'll tell you all about it.
For addicts, it is not the wasted sperm that is the problem - it is the lying to others and the culture of self-deception that ruins any chance of success. Staying in a corner with a our 'self-help thoughts and hard work' is still just isolating. People isolate for a reason. And it is a choice that I believe is usually suspect. Sure there is a place for hisbodedus - but Hashem clearly wants us to be a part of a tzibbur. And for me as an addict, pretending I am just like everybody else at shul...? That's just more loneliness in a crowd - more self-deception. Self-deception is a real jail - perhaps the
only real jail. And Chaza"l told us
ein chavush matir atzmo mibeis ha'asurim. It is what I always did even when I was regularly acting out! My Jewish heart tells me I aught to have a chevra
somewhere who I can be truly open with. And I have that, b"H.
I spend a lot of time alone in quiet to think - people desperately need thinking time (as Mesilas Yeshorim writes about Par'oh)! But that is not 'living in isolation'.
And once I have progressive sobriety, my participation in shul etc, is suddenly real! Since I have been sober, I was finally able to
know that I am part of regular Jewish society. Nobody could have convinced me of that before - cuz I wasn't! For today I know that tonight
I will not be leaving after learning real well with the other guys in the shiur tonight - to find a hooker or a dirty book to masturbate to. That is a huge chidush in my life for the past 15 years. And I have not forgotten how bad it used to be and still could be - if I once again need to take the luxuries of lusting again c"v. That is how it works for me and others I know.
The idea of not writing your name, though? I think that is just fear...unless your name is something like Chuna-Feitel Jr. Then I fully understand.
And the point nederman made about not specifying life events on the forum is even
more true regarding a person who writes their name on the forum. My name is Dov. It's what my wife and friends call me. So I don't write that "I am going on this or that trip tomorrow for a week," or that "my daughter had a son yesterday and the bris is next week," etc.
But personally, if I
didn't write my name here, I'd be a lot more liberal with writing
some personal possibly identifying details (if they had something to do with my recovery). For the risk of ID'd based
solely on events that happen to
everybody is basically just a silly fear...I think.
Enough spewing.
Guteh nacht Think Good!