I want to stop hurting my wife. I want to stop the sneaking around, the pain she feels when I am caught. I the guilt and horrible shame I feel when I am caught. The double life I am living. The distraction from my work. I want to have a strong foundation for my avodas Hashem. To stop living in lowliness. To learn and daven in purity. To regain full attraction to me wife and focus only on her. I want to break free from the chains of the past. From this addiction and compulsion that I feel I cannot break free from but that will destroy me and my relationships if I don't stop it.
And I know this all with absolute clarity. But somehow its just not enough to stop me, because the other hand is maybe just as bad. I can't function without it. Its my only excitement and comfort. I genuinely love the feeling. I adore it. I obsess over it. And why shouldn't I? There is no feeling like it, right? Its by far the most intense pleasure we can feel. And we are SURROUNDED by it on all sides, it follows me everytwhere. I feel powerless. I feel broken. I feel that I want to give in, that I want to end this miserable cycle and just acccept that I cannot do this. I honestly feel it is not my fault. Hashem knows that if I could choose, I would choose to throw this away every single time. When I a, "clean" I feel so free! I don't even think about it! But then the taivah starts again and I can not function anymore. I feel forced. I feel like its beyond my ability to control this. I am burning in that area. I can't focus. I feel like if I would just release i can have menuchas hanefesh and would save me from looking at more bad things and risking getting caught. I don't think it's fair I have to go through this. Everyone talks about the poor wives. I feel MUCH worse for the men. We suffer in ways they cant imagine. I can't open up to her becuase she wouldn't understand. I have gone through hell, for years. A constant cycle. Not chosen by me. I dealt with ssa which eventually stopped. Attraction to kids which completely went away. And now I am entrenched in porn. And I feel sorry for myself, angry at Hashem, and frustrated because the thing my life has come to depend on is assur, hurtful to my wife, and wrong for many reasons. So where does that leave me? Eternal suffering? Kaf hakelah? Maybe that's it, maybe this is hell? Because it certainly feels that way.