iwillnevergiveup wrote on 27 Jan 2020 05:40:
Day 104
The yetzer hara is brilliant in the way he can try twist your thinking. Pushing full throttle to fight his renewed efforts.
To all the “New faces” here welcome. Stay around I promise you it’s possible. It will take real effort, you have to fight the war on all fronts.
@iwillnevergiveup ... I guess your name defines you a lot!
Rav Dovid Leibowitz, zt”l, taught how to figure out whether our inner voice is being manipulated by the yetzer hara. The secret is to determine whether our feelings cause us to serve Hashem better or worse. Does this voice get you to act and learn with zeal, or does it get you depressed?
After the speech is over, do you feel motivated to succeed, or are you uninterested in doing anything? Do you feel capable of becoming the person you want to be, or do you feel worthless? Ridiculing thoughts make you feel like a helpless loser.
Clearly, they come from the yetzer hara. Who else wants to drag you down? Who doesn’t want you to accomplish? Who is sick enough to tell you that you are horrible and can never escape it? It is all from him! He is trying to make you despondent so he can crush you.