ManWhoStumbles wrote on 09 Jul 2018 22:47:
I actually just fell when I tested my filter. I have trouble setting good filters for chrome book. Do you have any ideas?
The only internet capable device that I own is a PC. The filter that I use is from, and it works for my needs. I don't know anything about Chromebooks. However, if the device is causing you problems, then you need to get rid of it, one way or another. The Chofetz Chaim writes, that if one's job requires him to be in a place where he will hear Loshon Hara, he is obligated to give up his job! Even if he has nothing else lined up, he can not stay in an environment where he will stumble. If we are required to give up our livelihood in order not to hear Loshon Hara, certainly we can give up a few hundred dollar device!
These lines are easy for me to write, as I am not giving up any devices. But you have to whatever it takes to stay clean.