thats great - what I found works also, since when I get an urge then the body releases adrenaline and is like the body is screaming DO SOMETHING!! thyis adds a sense of urgency and even in my case made me feel nauseous until I acted out. I also found standing on my toes or clenching my leg muscule also works (this can even me done during the amidda) during a very difficult patch I exercised in the morning before any urge - this certaintly helped me.
Also eating healthy 5 meals a day. the 90 days is a challange - keping healthy helps to fight stress. and sleep well.
Every day clean is the greatest gift we can give to Hashem - he loves it. we say in shema kol levavahem when display a huge amount of "Love of Hashem" to fight the yetzer hara
Keep going to get to 90 is a beautiful feeling