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Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria.
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TOPIC: Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 2395 Views

Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 28 Nov 2013 00:44 #224172

Dear chevre, tayre yidden,

I am back, after a long time of denial. Todays is the first day, a lot has happened. I will write about it as soon as I find time, iyH.

Happy chanuko.

Re: Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 29 Nov 2013 14:44 #224255

As no one is replying, I will write here, that I finally, bechasdei Hashem got a sponsor.
An interesting idea I heard from R. Reuven Leuchter, see Pachad Yitzchok on chanuko.
The power of giving birth is not a "ugly yetzer hara", it is above nature, this is the only way that a child of a mumar is still Jewish.

Re: Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 01 Dec 2013 07:11 #224275

  • kilochalu
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leat leat - yesod bigematria

leat leat is a soch (samech chof)
Last Edit: 01 Dec 2013 07:12 by kilochalu. Reason: fix quote hopefully

Re: Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 01 Dec 2013 08:46 #224276

  • cordnoy
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yesodhayesodos wrote:
Dear chevre, tayre yidden,

I am back, after a long time of denial. Todays is the first day, a lot has happened. I will write about it as soon as I find time, iyH.

Happy chanuko.

I am sorry
I did not know what to reply to.
"A lot" has happened...in a good way?
I guess you will write about "it" when you find time.
Welcome back.

My email: thenewme613@hotmail.com
My threads: Mikvah Night - Page 1Page 2Page 3Last Page

:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
My job: Punchin' bag of GYE - "NeshamaInCharge"
Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"


Re: Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 02 Dec 2013 02:11 #224300

I am sorry
I did not know what to reply to.
"A lot" has happened...in a good way?
I guess you will write about "it" when you find time.
Welcome back.


You are right. Now I will write about "it": I tried for a while without gye and managed only 60 days approximately. Then I thought that my difficulties with hz"l will be solved through marriage and went into shidduchim, till I got engaged. However, we had to break, and now I am quite happy about it. This all happened already many, many months ago, and now I will have a longer break from shidduchim with no pressure b"H from anyone.
Unfortunately I still feel depressed after what happened, and I am now doing a psychotherapy, that will help, iyH, as I have a tendency to blame myself for everything.
After a lichtige shabbes, today is day two.
The truth is that last week I wanted to send a few emails. As internet in yeshive did not work, I went to the internet café, there I stumbled and saw mature content.
I now decided to have internet independent of the yeshiva, with a filter, and not to go to place where no one can see me with the internet.

Re: Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 02 Dec 2013 03:37 #224303

  • Pidaini
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Welcome!!! It's great that you are here!!!

What are your struggles? What was it that you tried?


and KOT!!!
Yankel | My Ladder | Talking to Hashem
I'm just a dude, another guy on this bus.
Have a great day, unless, of course, you made other plans. ~ obbormottel
"Nothing changes as long as everything stays the same" ~ Dov

Re: Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 02 Dec 2013 17:46 #224317

I tried taphsic and filters. The struggles are p* and hz"l. The filters did not help as sometimes I did not have my notebook and I needed internet, so it was unfiltered. The taphsic method did not help as sometimes I did not remember the shvue.
Now I have additionally a sponsor.
Last Edit: 02 Dec 2013 17:55 by yesodhayesodos.

Re: Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 02 Dec 2013 22:15 #224332

  • Pidaini
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Great, so are you working the steps?
Yankel | My Ladder | Talking to Hashem
I'm just a dude, another guy on this bus.
Have a great day, unless, of course, you made other plans. ~ obbormottel
"Nothing changes as long as everything stays the same" ~ Dov

Re: Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 03 Dec 2013 20:33 #224380

I am actually working the GYE handbook and not the 12 steps. Or you could say I am working the beginning of the 12 steps, i.e. step one. I find it very helpful to help someone to talk to, even when not (yet?) working the 12 steps. Today is day three. I had a solid seder today and also some exercise, b"H also the psychotherapy I started a while ago seems to be helpful.

Re: Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 03 Dec 2013 23:46 #224383

  • Pidaini
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Yup, speaking to someone is a massive help, KUTGW!!!!!!
Yankel | My Ladder | Talking to Hashem
I'm just a dude, another guy on this bus.
Have a great day, unless, of course, you made other plans. ~ obbormottel
"Nothing changes as long as everything stays the same" ~ Dov

Re: Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 06 Dec 2013 03:00 #224519


Speaking to someone who is listening is even better. This is the case. Today is day six.

Re: Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 08 Dec 2013 00:50 #224577

B"H, after a long while I reached one complete week. Even though I feel weak. I am starting to feel a bit happiness entering.
I am unfortunately, still suffering from depression, I am now in therapy, but I might consider taking medications if things will not get better. The idea of taking prescribed anti-depressants is a bit daunting, to be honest.

Re: Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 08 Dec 2013 05:34 #224585

  • skeptical
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It is ultimately a doctor's decision regarding whether or not you need medication. If it is prescribed to you, take it. Why worry?

Re: Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 10 Dec 2013 19:49 #224747

Yes, you are of course right, I wrote about my feelings of being worried, there is no rational reason. Thank you Skeptical.By the way, today is day 10.

Re: Leat, leat -- yesod bigematria. 15 Dec 2013 02:17 #224965

Thank you GYE chevre,

Today is day 14. B"H. As far as the depression is concerned the therapy seems to help a bit as we found one possible reason in early childhood. It would seem that p* and hz"l are ways to fill the hole created by a traumatic experience in early childhood. I am now crying almost everyday, but this feeling is much better than the feeling of emptiness or the feeling of acute pain that needs to be alleviated, guess how, sweet p*, fantasy, hz"l and immediately I went to the kissei hakovod.
I wrote this all to share, I hope to get again chizuk and advice as I got till now.

Have a wonderful woch.
Last Edit: 15 Dec 2013 02:19 by yesodhayesodos.
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