israel613120 wrote:
Very similar to needtoquit in his My days thread.
I too could have written the same, and as you see have trouble wid da movies.
But truth is I never came on GYE to address those things in my personality which turned me to Porn. I only came on to get rid of the Porn, which I am doing. However its a bit like treating the symptoms without treating the illness.
Funny because I was thinking the same thing as I read your post, including the part about the reason for my coming to GYE.
israel613120 wrote:
But truth is I never came on GYE to address those things in my personality which turned me to Porn. I only came on to get rid of the Porn, which I am doing. However its a bit like treating the symptoms without treating the illness.
But here are my view's once again, for a full blown addict, whose reached bottom, or near to, he's got to treat the underlying baggage their is no choice. But for a guy with a healthy Y H who turns to Porn when he feels down from time to time, can he just use what he finds on GYE to help him stay clean, without going the whole personality change? (is this what MT on some other thread was suggesting)
Truth is and I know I'm right, it's too scary a prospect to have to do a whole personality makeover, if I delve I don't know what i'll find. It's also a lot easier to do what I'm doing to stay clean with addressing the underlying stuff, that feels loads easier.
Not decided what my next move is, just that I do want to/ must stay clean.
You are absolutely right, someone who isn't an addict doesn't
need to change themselves, only their actions. However, think if that makes sense and is a good idea. I posted in my
thread about a series of The Shmuz which I recently was listening to,
#144, &
#145 which are about "Stages of Change." In it he discussed how someone (I think he said the Vilna Goan) says the purpose of life is to change ourselves, because if not why should we have life. He says that the 12-steps are a way for us to accomplish change and he wishes they had a 12-step program for everything. Also see my new
post about my email conversation with Rabbi Shaifer.
Rabbi Twerski said something very similar on recent phone conference. Chizuk email #668 included
this recording.