Good points, thanks.
Do you think I have gotten anywhere at all in this life so far?
If you met me when I was 15 and piggybacked on my heart and eyes to see all I was living then, you would have come to know a struggling youngster wanting so very badly to be great, yet masturbating in the shower almost every time - because he really only felt any greatness when he was the main actor in a fantasy where he was having his way with a beautiful woman who wanted him so. It was bigger and more colorful than life....well, 'life' as it was then seemed puny indeed. Sweet, precious schmutz was the only thing that really felt 'real' to me. The only time I really felt alive and full of zest. Well, that and when I'd read R' Aryeh Kaplan's gorgeous books...they felt so real, so spiritual...but I sat and waited for that big music to play in the background of life and just couldn't hear it. Nu. Whats a fellow to do until the Good Life starts?
If you met me when I was 20 you would have seen a confused, intensely spiritual but self-obsessed and lustful fellow. He was high on Torah in Eretz Yisroel - but the next year feeling lower than the curb. I was certain that I was rejected from 'The Derech' after having left the holy land and a life of toraso-umanuso. A bidieved man, now. You would have seen a young man who never does anything on time, breaks or loses everything he has that is of value, can't (or won't) make decisions for himself, expects davening and learning to fix him in ways that they were never meant to, who takes little if any real responsibility for himself - except when it comes to bashing himself for failure (he did that like a virtuoso...well, that and masturbation.), etc. But I still figured I should have all the good things in life, why not?
If you met me when I was 25 you would have seen a man who is married a year and is slipping back into his pattern of lying, acting the part of husband well enough to get-by but feeling certain that he married the wrong woman. She was not spiritual enough - and not sexual enough, for me (I deserved both, of course!). Seeing his life as a lonely journey off 'The Derech', it was pretty cold on those long nights...and days, you know. Well, porn was certainly sweet enough to keep me warm...though I knew it was killing my marriage and sanity. "But why can't I have the sweet porn and still be succeeding at enjoying all of marriage? Why is my relationship empty? Why is my yiddishkeit only experienced as a struggle? WHERE IS THE SHALOM BAYIS IN ME? Does this ever get good? Will someone tell me?" I went from Rebbe to Rebbe, from sefer and self-help book to sefer and self-help book, eventually alienating all the people closest to me more than anyone else (yet still ever the 'nice guy' to those I did not have to really accept day to day!)
Over the next 10 years I went lower and lower into trying to manage my own life - and just ruined everything I could. Sexual acting out became more intense and more predictable simultaneously. Maddenning. How could my god fail me? Life got stupider and stupider...until I hit the fan. I could not take me any more. No more blaming on circumstances (in other words: on G-d), no more "wife is too this," or "not enough that," and no more "kids just stink and would be OK if they just did what I want them to!" In a hurry, after a slow burning fire, the whole struggle against Life was just over. Porn was not saving me any more, and I knew that if it were to save me at all, I'd have to ratchet it up to stuff far worse than anything I could tolerate. I was at the edge of the abyss - to lose my very self for the sake of saving myself - or not. But if not, then what? What other way was there?
I came to SA and met other men giving up trying to manage their own lives and learning how to use their addiction to let Hashem in, for a change. People who discover that deflation of my ego is the only way I can live safely. I got sober because I could not afford to use my drug any more - doing that was the one thing that sat me back in that driver's seat again. And I knew I - of all people - needed to stay out of that chair! I cannot manage my own life. I cannot judge what is good for me and what is bad. It's time to start living on Hashem's terms even if I will not be a tzaddik. To accept life as it really is. It's not about being more religious, at all. It's about being more sane. Living in reality - G-d is in charge and determines all outcomes. My job is to try and be useful, period. And He makes this path a pleasure to be on. He takes far better care of me than I ever took of myself.
OK, so now my life is quite good. And not so long ago I'd have told you not to bother investing in me. In fact, most of my life I'd have told you not to invest in me! Is my life useless today? Nope. G-d has put me in a position I could never have guessed. He used my years of lying and sperm-wasting and mindblowing fantasy-addiction: to benefit His people.
If iy"H I continue on this path till I die at a ripe old age, I will not come to Heaven fearing that they will slap me in the face with a biography of "Who you could/should have been". That is because I know that whoever G-d is helping me become today is far more than I deserve. That's good enough for me.
And just as an aside, an honest ba'al mussar would tell over the Netziv story and add: "...And I do not know if when the Netziv came to Shomayim they showed him this huger, bigger y'rai Shomayim and Talmid chochom that he should have become - but didn't because he did not learn hard enough all those years. So he may have still failed! We will never know". But they do not say that, because it would ruin the schmooze! But it is obviously the truth. We like to tie things up in nice, neat packages by saying, "Well, he became 'The Netviz'!," as though that ends the matter and must have been 'success'. Nahrishkeit. So the shmuz is just not honest, as far as I can tell.
I believe that the well-meaning people who say that we ought to trust Hashem in gashmiyus, but not in ruchniyus, are chicken, and also dead wrong - at least for addicts. I try to trust my G-d to run my life just fine in every respect. Shouldn't G-d be trusted? I try to do what I think He wants me to do and as long as I am being honest with myself, all will be fine. Eeven when I do a poor job of what He wants me to do, He makes things work out best. And when I start to lie to myself either life starts to get hairy or I start to lust again. It just doesn't work. I soon discover (after doing a little written step work cuz things start to bother me enough again!) that I have snuck back into that Driver's seat! Ho, hum, time to get out again. Yechh. But it's no big deal really, for people admit that they screw up this way at SA meetings all the time! Cuz recovery and the steps are not about what people focus on here so much (not masturbating), but rather about living honestly with your own G-d.
OK. So in the next post I will try to explain what that had to so with your post - unless you can figure it out on your own.