It's so true. When we deal with schmutz, for whatever excuse, we get dirty as a result! But it depends - are we already dirty? Am I coming to shul stinking from the excrement of my lusting and acting out - sobriety is vatilbasheyhu machalatzos. The one who turns his head from the truth in order not to c"v 'get' dirty - but is still holding his sheretz tightly in his hand, will not get tahor in the mikveh. Plain and simple. Turning the head from what is really going on is not a 'madreiga' in kedusha.
Once someone is clean for a while - it's individual - then it is time to put all the energies into ignoring lust in any form. But getting there typically only happens as a result of learning how to rise above humiliation and face the truth about our behavior. And the only way us frum hiders and liars learn to become honest with ourselves is by first being honest with other real live people. Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai taught his talmidim this when he was dying. Speaking to Tanna'im, he said, "Let your fear of heaven be as real to you as your fear of real, live, people." They did not like hearing that humbling statement, either! And they were not even addicts, but real great men and tzaddikim!
The guy who cyclically, repeatedly and predictably still falls - is still holdong it. Even when he stays clean for 'the 90-day chart'. He is still holding it tightly in his hand. And the fear of facing it openly with others is why he does not face it himself. So he will stay dirty, no matter how much he ignores it 'not to get farschmutz'. It's pride, just plain pride, that's all. The principle as it stands by itself is Torah-true Yiddishkeit - no shayloh.
Would he come to know the guy over the long run, I believe the Piacezcner zy"a would see right through the dogma and recommend a yeridah letzorech aliyah and advise the man to "do his 1st and 2nd steps right." This is one of the hallmarks of great chassidishe rebbes and tzaddikim. I admit it is not perfectly in line with the "Agudath Israel Handbook" - but when we are talking about men and women who are sex addicts engaging in secret destructive behavior, it is time to remember eis la'asos laShem! And everybody does this according to his seichel, v'leiv yodeya moras nafsho, as R' Tzvi-Meyer frequently says. If we had to wait to ask a psak from a gadol before going into real recovery, there would be so many more frum yidden sleeping with the real and imagined 'koorves' than there are already!
That's why almost anyone in long-term 12 step recovery will tell you that recovery has nothing to do with 'resisting addiction'. The steps are all about learning to accept G-d's Will for me and become a truly sane person. Only a sane person can serve Hashem. The people who twist the steps into 'powerful spiritual gimmicks to resist temptation' are making the program into something it is not. Same for those who twist avodas Hashem into 'a struggle with the yetzer hora'. Excuse me, but sur meira is not identical with asei tov. That's negative sobriety and does not typically work. Or seeing the yetzer hora instead of Hashem.
R' Zeidel Epstein zt"l once said when he was told that a certain (very) famous tzaddik and odom gadol asked for all the telephone poles in his town to be taken down because they looked like crosses, "If one sees crosses all over the place, then something is wrong with the person."
Only working the 1st step (and part of the 2nd) requires the kind of thing Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk taught in his Tzetel Kotton (#13)...admitting all the dirtiest and most humiliating details to another person - even though, of course, he was not referring to addicts but to all people there. 75 years ago, the alcoholics learned that only when they took real action and were fearlessly open about the truth to other understanding alcoholics, did they get the ability to stay sober. And instead of pridefully calling that "hisgabrus over my yetzer hora", they called it "Chessed Hashem (G-d's Grace)". So they remained sober and be"H passed their message to millions including many thousands of frum yidden like us, who are addicts...including many hundreds of chassidish and kolel yidden who are sex addicts - and we here are sober this very day as a result!
Boy, is it true that waddling in the mud makes a person dirty. But the ikkar mud is when I am living in temptation and struggling against it. The clean life is being free of it one day at a time and struggling with real life.
The honesty I learned from opening up about the terribly shameful truths of my sexual acting out, was the kli that Hashem used in order to teach me to be fearlessly honest about the real challenges of real living: Jealousy, resentment, fear, desire, selfishness, and good desires, too, like being free of those things and pefectionism. That's real life.
The holy Piaseczner zy"a would certainly listen, listen, and listen some more to an individual's struggle, before advising what behavior is right for them today. He was a master of not generalizing. Then he would be ready to say to the man or woman who is sober for a year or so, "Hey sweet chaver, it's time you started practicing a positive, not negative, sobriety, and grew up some more."...or something like that in yiddish...