anonymousushi wrote on 26 Sep 2024 23:52:
moderators; please edit.
This is the first time I've written anything here, but I feel I could use some chizuk.
i have had a generic introduction to p&m. As a 9th grader I was pretty shielded, so when I had a small dumbphone (unfiltered) in 10th grade, all it took was a curious moment and I got pulled in. The takeaway from that I guess is don't think that " it'it's too small a screen, there's no way anyone will do anything inappropriate with it."
the Yetzer Hara is as powerful as the Fighter in you, which, by definition means that the more you grow spiritually, the more your Yetzer grows with you. I was no exception. And not only did I find the occasional device lying around my house, but I had a particular nisayon with a specific individual which I only escaped from by Hashem's Chesed in tying my tongue so I'd say just the right thing to scare said nisayon (hopefully) far far away from me. Albeit leaving me feeling in retrospect quite silly for going into that evening with a feeling of " laasos Milachto" that I just needed to confront it, no matter whether in a healthy way or a more dangerous way; I had thought I'd end up having going with the more dangerous route, but Hashem had other plans.
post that fateful night , that unique situation got easier.
That's aside from a different hiccup in that unique situation which rendered our time together much less frequent, just *coincidentally* (again, thank you Hashem).
The Hirhurim don't go away on their own, (no matter how much you think that yeshiva is a midbar, its only as good as the lack of access in this insane world to phones, no matter the kaskrus of them- phone calls can do it too, as I saw someone else mention,) and neither does my addiction to P&M.
So that's why I'm here- to try to mitigate my feelings of yiush as an incorrigible taavvah monster, and focus more on each day as it comes.
Please feel free to offer your thoughts, chizuk and any advice you have for an unmarried bochur struggling with enhanced levels of taavah.
(as you can tell im still too embarrassed to go into pretty much any detail. Not sure what's considered appropriate, even with the anonymity. Guidance would be appreciated)
Read the threads and be inspired by others who have reported phenomenal results in their struggle with the challenges that bachurim typically face. One of the dominant themes that are repeated are to avoid triggers and to nip the urge on the bud. Once you’re in the clutches of lust, it’s hard to win the battle. While your hormones may be blazing, you can channel your passions into other areas. This will serve as a diversion, and you won’t be overpowered by the lust that stifles bachurim from living serene healthy lives.