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Beginning to (e)merge
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Re: Beginning to (e)merge 09 Aug 2024 07:21 #418783

  • chaimoigen
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I haven’t been here as much as I have wanted the past few weeks. So although we’ve made each others acquaintance on the phone, I missed this masterpiece of a thread. 

Here’s a warm hand, friend. 
You've discovered hope, and the taste of freedom. The door opening in the brick wall, and the discovery that the deep Yiyush you hadn’t even known was there, no longer has to be. 

Those tears you’ve described can wash off years of encrusted callouses from your heart. And they can open new doors… I remember sobbing in my car, after I was here about 20 days. Feeling sadness, compassion, and regret for many years of suffering… those feelings mixing with the exhilarating feeling of relief and hope… 

Hang on to this precious chance, Chaver- miracles are happening in this precious place… 

And I suspect that you will have the chance to help others find their miracle, too…

Your username inspires me to share an amazing vort. 
Basya called him Moshe because מין המים משיתיהו. Frekt Rav Yaakov Galisnky zl, his name ought to be משוי- Mashui- “The one who was Schlepped”. Why “Moshe” - which translates as “One who schlepps?!?”

The answer, says Rav Yankle zl - If this child was miraculously saved from the watery grave- She knew that it had to mean that he was destined to be the one who would rescue others from drowning and destruction. And Moshe Rabbeinu went on to do…

Kein Yehi Ratzon, Chaver, 

Chaim Oigen
Please feel free to reach out anytime at chaim.oigen@gmail.com
Last Edit: 09 Aug 2024 07:25 by chaimoigen.

Re: Beginning to (e)merge 09 Aug 2024 13:14 #418793

  • minhamayim
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Reb CO,

Thank you for your kind and warm words. No gye thread is complete until it has been graced with your honorable presence. Now i really feel part of this. 

May I be zoche that your words come true and that I one day can follow your lead as I transition from being a seasoned shleppee to an active shlepper...


Re: Beginning to (e)merge 09 Aug 2024 14:12 #418800

  • iwannalivereal
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Thanks for sharing!

That's gotta be one of the most powerful feelings - being able to do something that you never thought was possible in your lifetime. Something that was so totally out of your hands, and now finally feeling some freedom, and feeling some control.

Keep up all the great work!
Feel free to say hi! iwannalivereal@gmail.com
Check out my story here!

Re: Beginning to (e)merge 09 Aug 2024 20:37 #418827

  • eerie
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Reb Minhamayim, you got some of my tears to come join yours. Reading about you on the airplane, it just blew me away. You are amazing! To watch you come and fire away! My friend, keep up the amazing work! 
Feel free to say hi. My email is 1gimpelovitz@gmail.com

Re: Beginning to (e)merge 14 Aug 2024 16:14 #419169

  • minhamayim
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About to leave to the airport for my return trip. I once again pledge to report back here later. 



Re: Beginning to (e)merge 14 Aug 2024 20:04 #419180

  • yiftach
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minhamayim wrote on 14 Aug 2024 16:14:

About to leave to the airport for my return trip. I once again pledge to report back here later. 



We'll be waiting for you on the other side! 
Looking forward to get to know you better! 

Email me @ yiftach1609@gmail.com or call/text 347-201-4989 (Google voice)

My story is unfolding here
"יפתח ה' לך את אוצרו הטוב"

Re: Beginning to (e)merge 14 Aug 2024 20:38 #419182

  • 138eagle
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I cannot belive that I missed this here!!

I am here only a bit longer than you, but due to only getting started to real talking to peole in the last 3 weeks or so, I feel that I am kind of here the same time as you. I can relate to your pains and struggles of living the double life. B"H we are here to beat tahis together.

Keep Flying!
Come fly with me as I fly higher!
My Story

Feel free to reach out to me.

Re: Beginning to (e)merge 15 Aug 2024 03:49 #419204

  • minhamayim
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After a long and arduous, emotionally and physically draining journey, I'm happy to report back here spiritually unscathed. Thanks for your support!

Last Edit: 15 Aug 2024 07:45 by minhamayim.

Re: Beginning to (e)merge 15 Aug 2024 06:52 #419209

  • Muttel
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As I sit in the airport (with family Bh so sans the challenges of traveling alone), I am elated for you! Minhamayim, you’ve made us enormously proud of your massive accomplishments! The real commitment to change and work accompanying it. 

To see you how you are today is to see one who was drawn and will imyh draw others. 

With brotherly love,
We're in this struggle together; feel free to reach out! 

Feel free to call/text! (908) 251-9590 (google)

Check out my thread here: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/413043-My-ENTIRE-story#413043

Re: Beginning to (e)merge 15 Aug 2024 17:10 #419232

  • minhamayim
  • Current streak: 92 days
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Hi everyone, 

Over the past few weeks I've had some thoughts and i think it'll be beneficial for me to write them down here. Mostly, I've been refraining from posting them here due to their very personal and sensitive nature.

I mentioned in my opening post that I've been going to therapy for over 3 years now due to a unique personal challenge that is severely affecting me and my shalom bayis.

A lot of my kedusha struggle had to do with that, and I'm thinking of opening a thread on the balabatims
Forum so I can share, and thereby hopefully clarify for myself some things. I'll let you know.

In other news, there seems to be something very pashut to most people here in this struggle, something that I've only recently begun to internalize.

We all know that the source of all these urges that we get, is that the yetzer hara is trying to "chap" us. This is the most basic and fundamental truth when it comes to all areas of bechira.

But for some reason, throughout all my years in this battle, rarely if ever did I stop and think to myself that this is the yetzer hara I'm fighting! To me, it was always the good part of me vs. the bad part of me. The part that so desperately craved to feel accomplished, to feel good about myself,  to feel connection with hashem, vs. the lazy, instant gratification seeking, lust filled, sex/porn lover that I was.

Now, I know that in reality it's really one and the same. I was created with a yetzer hara. He's part of me. And he is (among other things) a lazy, instant gratification seeking, lust filled, sex/porn lover, and I'll have to deal with him for the rest of my life.

But to have the outlook that he's just an external force that's purely trying to "chap" me, is something so basic, elementary, and useful.  I know there are sources throughout chazal that this is a necessary outlook to have. I'm not exactly sure how something so simple like this wasn't even on my radar on a practical level (although I do have some ideas). But 
in any case, I think this new (for me) outlook will prove itself very beneficial in understanding and beating this (and every) struggle. 

thanks for listening, 

Last Edit: 16 Aug 2024 05:26 by minhamayim.

Re: Beginning to (e)merge 21 Aug 2024 04:26 #419546

  • minhamayim
  • Current streak: 92 days
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Tonight,  another door to real friendship opened up for me.

It was short, sweet, and a bit rushed. But it was clearly the start of something more. 

'Twasn't a wholehearted enough hug

Last Edit: 21 Aug 2024 04:28 by minhamayim.

Re: Beginning to (e)merge 21 Aug 2024 05:54 #419550

  • Muttel
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We're in this struggle together; feel free to reach out! 

Feel free to call/text! (908) 251-9590 (google)

Check out my thread here: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/413043-My-ENTIRE-story#413043

Re: Beginning to (e)merge 08 Sep 2024 14:02 #420944

  • livingagain
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minhamayim wrote on 24 Jul 2024 21:00:
Hi! I am so happy and relieved to be here. If I may, I'd like to share my painful story.

I grew up in a sheltered Torah home. My father is a mechanech known for his passion in fighting the internet and the nisyonos hador. Ever since I can remember I've always been consumed with sexual curiosity. It started with hijacking woman's clothing catalogs I found in the mailbox, discovering masturbation, fantasizing about pretty much any attractive female I knew including family members, and more. Throughout my years in mesivta I would occasionally purchase or rent movies, and even had some opportunities to watch porn. I used to have streaks where I would abstain from being motzi zerah. Sometimes it lasted a few days sometimes even weeks. But they never lasted very long.

As all this was happening I was very busy portraying myself as a serious bachur and trying desperately to learn and get better at learning. BH, even with all my daydreaming and fantasizing I was able to block out the guilt and shame and throw myself into my learning enough that I made it through my yeshiva years. In fact, I was so deeply troubled about my identity and so desperately wanted to be considered a "good guy" in learning and yiras shamayim, I would join "extracurricular" shiurim and sedarim staying in the beis medrash till late at night. Although this definitely helped my overall shteiging, the truth is that I was way behind and should have been honest about where I needed to focus.

I found myself extremely confused as to who I was and what I really wanted. On the one hand, I was a bachur with big שאיפות. I was zoche to learn in yeshivos where I witnessed true gadlos b'torah. I craved it. The genuine ahavas hatorah and meyushavkeit that I saw in my Rosh yeshiva, rebbeim, and older bachurim was something I knew I needed. On the other hand, how could i throw myself entirely into achieving that goal when I knew that I wouldn't be able to? When I knew I would fall again and again. When I knew it just wouldn't be real.

BH I became more serious in beis medrash and was even one of the few in my shiur to get into THAT yeshiva in Eretz Yisrael. But there things got worse. The hustle and bustle of the geula neighborhood and the nisyonos it presents is something that I'm sure is all too familiar to many of you. I found myself deliberately getting on to packed buses (vhameivin yavin), taking late night walks in neighborhoods I should never have entered, pretending to be preoccupied with an important phone call, and just generally consumed with sexual fantasies. And then I discovered those free chat lines. And those unfiltered computer kiosks. I found myself again going to sleep late, sometimes entirely missing first seder. All the while continuing to prop up my image as a chashuva Ben torah. The double life continued and deepened.

I continued on to BMG and got engaged soon after to a wonderful bas talmid chachom. Like many, I clung to the desperate hope that shidduchim, engagement, and marriage would help me solve my problem. But in between my "streaks" I was still busy with chat lines, porn, and masturbation. Davening was always a bizarre fluctuation of intensity, tears, and disinterest. In halacha I was sometimes meticulous and sometimes lax. I would be proud yet disturbed whenever complimented on my learning achievements, hashkafic sincerity, or general intelligence.

During my engagement and after my marriage it became clear that I had an issue seemingly not connected to any of this, that severely affected my shalom bayis. I was, and still am, very determined to make my marriage work, and I know the issue is mine. I went to therapy for 3 years for it. I spent lots of money, tried different therapists with different modalities, all the while really trying to make things work. It helped a little, but things were really not simple. I have to give a shout out to my wife for being the trooper, for bearing with me, for seeing the good in me and the possibility for me to heal and our marriage to blossom.

All this time, freshly married , struggling with my marriage and much inner turmoil, I felt lonely and isolated. I didn't know what HaShem wanted from me. I cried, I ignored and moved on, cried again and ignored some more. Over the past year things got to the point that I sadly moved on from just porn, masturbation and chat lines.

And then...

2 weeks ago, Hashem in His overabundant mercy rescued me, and I stumbled upon this precious website. Out of desperation I sent a couple partner requests. IWLR emailed me within a few hours. To make a long story short, it turns out that we knew each other very very well. I will forever be makir tov to him for introducing me to the possibility of recovery. I've been in touch with Harav Hatzadik HHM over the past week and my life has changed. I'm finally able to address what I've known all along. That this dark hidden part of me has directly and INDIRECTLY seeped into every aspect of my life. 

I have no words to thank everyone who's posts I've read and who I've spoken to over the past week. The power of being able to share, be vulnerable, and come clean, with those whom you know will accept you, is indescribable. 3 years of therapy and I never shared this! I even managed to convince myself that it wasn't related to what I was there for. I am more connected with myself than ever and my marriage has changed because of that. Everything in my life is different than just two weeks ago.

I have a long way to go, but finally I feel ready and equipped to fight this battle. I look forward to continuing to grow the 
Last Edit: 09 Sep 2024 10:48 by livingagain.

Re: Beginning to (e)merge 09 Sep 2024 08:53 #421042

  • Muttel
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hopefulswan89 wrote on 08 Sep 2024 14:02:
Very Shtark post. Wondering if anyone else from that yeshiva are among the members of GYE. While I didn’t make it to that yeshiva, i was first tier. 

There definitely are!

Why don’t you share your story so we can get to know you better. I see you opened Your profile adjusting your counter to 515 days. Why don’t you talk about how you got there (or is your counter setting a mistake?) and what others can do to emulate you?

We're in this struggle together; feel free to reach out! 

Feel free to call/text! (908) 251-9590 (google)

Check out my thread here: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/413043-My-ENTIRE-story#413043

Re: Beginning to (e)merge 11 Sep 2024 03:42 #421264

  • minhamayim
  • Current streak: 92 days
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It's been a few weeks since I last posted here. Bh thinks have been going fairly well in the kedusha department. It's great watching my streak slowly climb.

Some thoughts on my progress:

I'm a little disappointed about how often I still find myself needing to fight the lust.

Now, I understand that I'm not supposed to be waiting for the day that I don't struggle with lust anymore. Or for the day that my yetzer harah decides to bid me farewell. That ain't happening and that's fine. But I did think that the less I give in to him the less I would be affected by normal civilian shmiras einayim challenges. I always assumed that it was only because of the garbage that I was busy with that I couldn't walk in the street like a normal human being without literally ogling at anything that remotely resembled something I could lust over. (I always marveled at how in this inyan I always manage to have such an ayin tovah that I assume that the blurry figure 2 blocks away is probably the most beautiful woman I'll ever get a chance to lay my eyes on)

Literally anything that's caught in my peripheral vision becomes a struggle for me. I'm trying to just mentally acknowledge their presence  and move on and bh i usually do these days but it bothers me how hyper aware I am of any potential stimulation and how lust is so ingrained in me. I really hope things will start to get easier

Another point:

Im a little nervous. Life is great better than ever even. But I still almost feel as if I'm waiting for things to get worse. How could it be that something I've struggled with my entire life has changed so drastically in such a short amount of time. Almost as if I flipped a switch and I'm cured. I'm nervous that my current streak  perhaps would be considered "white knuckling" mainly because of the fact that I don't believe I'm putting in so much work.

As I'm writing this I'm realizing that my two points sound slightly paradoxical.

Again I'm pretty confident that this is real I just don't want to let my guard down and therefore I'm trying to acknowledge these feelings by writing them down here.
Last Edit: 11 Sep 2024 03:44 by minhamayim.
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