anonymousmillenial wrote on 02 Dec 2020 15:51:
Hey Grant
I need your advice!
This is my problem.
I'm struggling. I haven't watched a regular movie (alone) in 4 1/2 months. But I'm stuck at home this week and I feel my ironclad resolve slowly starting to wither. I'm bored and I'm trying to convince myself that I will only watch completely clean. That i will only do it this week. That my intention was never to stop forever but just for 90 days, and now that the addiction is broken I can be a "social drinker ".
But I know that chances are once I break it I will slip and slide. So if you can help me out here I'd be grateful.
What advice would you give me?
Now take that advice, and apply it to yourself.
Hey Mr. AM!
That's cute! I appreciate what you are pointing out. But we all know that even with the greatest clarity, resolve, experience and understanding when it comes to ourselves we can get all confused. Our emotions wreak havoc on formerly lucid perceptions. Causing transparency to become opaque. Like they say, when in the frame we can't see the picture.
It's a known fact that there are talented therapists who need therapy themselves. Famous Shalom Bayis educators who get divorced after many years of being married. Why is that? How can it be that they have successfully helped hundreds of people over the years with their clear insights and knowledge but they cant use that to salvage their marriage or heal themselves?
The answer must be, that knowledge and the ability to guide other people does not necessarily transform into being able to practice it automatically. Knowledge doesn't have to fight desire, nor must it combat emotion. When one passes on cold hard logic and instruction, it may seem like the person embodies what he preaches. In reality we can only hope so.
So yes, I may be quick to dish out advice. It may even be useful, and I do honestly try my best to live accordingly. As a whole I am successful, but that doesn't mean that I can't still become muddled and confused in the face of desire. I can still use a pat on the pack or a kick in the pants. A reassertion of what I know but may not feel in my bones right now. Just a friendly hey! Hang in there bro we know how you feel.
After being on GYE a while, as a whole regarding the main thrust of the issues here we all learned the truth. We all know were what and why. But we still come back and post. Why is that? Because we aren't seeking more information or better educational advice. We are seeking friends who understand us and can commiserate with us. Who can reaffirm what we already know and remind us of the commitment we already made, or to just give us a hug.