I just heard a shmues about why Klal Yisrael got the kesser Torah when they said na'aseh v'nishma and not when they actually learned the Torah. He said that the kesser Torah comes with the kabalah. We can ask then that we find so many times we are mekabel and nothing comes of it? The answer is that Klal Yisrael when they were standing by Har Sinai saw Hashem so clearly, and saw the purpose of this world so clearly and the fact that would they not accept the Torah the world would cease to have any purpose (and therefore return to nothingness) that they accepted the Torah as if their life depends on it. When you take on something that you can clearly see that your life really depends on it, it's a different kabalah.
In this fight, I think it's the same thing. Many of us come here and try to break free. Many of us see success in various shapes and forms. The most successful ones are the ones who can really see clearly that their life depends on it.
I wrote this on Harav Ish MiGrodno's thread and I think it's very relevant.
Here is my take on life (for now). I think what the Ramcha"l wrote in Mesilas Yesharim so perfectly sums it up. We all know what we need to do, no
chiddushim, but it gets murky over time. I don't need anyone to tell me, all the things that I already know, I need to figure out how to make things clear again. Something like a refresher course, given by a veteran who not only broke free, but also went through the ups and downs that came further down the road, a road that not everyone has made it to yet. Sometimes, I just want to hear from someone who is going through something similar to me. I like to search through old threads to see if maybe someone here is like me.
Here is what I don't like. I don't like when people who don't really know give advice as if they do. I want to hear your stories, I want to hear what works for you and what doesn't, but I only want
mussar from someone who can really relate.
Here is what I think, and it's something that is deep in my heart, we need to figure out, on our own, how to live. We need to be the ones who figure it all out. Yes we can get help, yes we can be guided on what is the next step, but when it comes to understanding the concepts, we just need to work on them until they click. When they do, we can still be quick to forget and we need to be the ones to remind ourselves.
When we figure this game out at some point, then go through a hard time, I really don't want, or need anyone to tell me what I already know. What I need is to figure out how to get to the clarity that I once had. Yes others can help me get there, but not by reiterating all the same old stuff that I already know.
So why all of this? No good reason, just on my mind for some reason.
Well actually, it's because I wanted to share something that I am going through. Lately, the clarity has been fading, the purpose of keeping my mind clean has become murky. I don't see the desperation in front of me anymore. I am not about to act out, that's not what this is about. This is about my losing the clarity of what life is about. It's about getting by instead of rising to the occasion.
Actually, I think that pretty much sums up what I am trying to say. Life has become one of "getting by" instead of one of "maximizing". I am getting by in my davening, getting by in my learning, getting by in my marriage and getting by in my not masturbating. The last one, "not masturbating" is one that I am a little confused about. I don't want to and I don't plan on any time soon but in no way is my conduct in shemiras einayim one that I am proud of. I feel like I have reached a dead end. I came here to deal with my masturbation problem and B"H I am very grateful that it is better by leaps and bounds. Am I finished? is my work complete? What about the fact that I can spend many precious moments looking at women in underwear, is that really what a guy learning 10+ hours a day should be doing? What now? Is this not an issue? I have figured out how to live happily in this new life of mine, no masturbating etc. but what about fantasizing about every pretty woman that I see, my friends wives and wives friends? These things make me sick thinking about them, yet I still do them. Oooh, but I don't masturbate. Check. They say to cross your bridges when you get there, when do we get there?
I have seen much success, but I still feel like a contradiction.
I just don't feel like my life depends on this. I feel that this part is manageable, just who I intend to go up to
shamayim as.
I've got to make my life depend on this. Or do I? Does it just disappear? or does it grow and fester? I am putting in the work, I am very careful, I learn, daven, I beg Hashem to help me, I have practically no access to anything whatsoever and have peen pretty successful at closing things up when there have been issues.
It's when I start looking that makes me crazy, why do I need to look for trouble, or when I am in the street and I stare at someone and my mind goes wild, why do I need to do these things, do I not have enough? Am I m in my life? Is my life not awesome?
Hashem gives me so much, I am so lucky, I am so blessed. Why do I do these things?
Sometimes I really just stump myself.
Thanks for listening if you did. I needed to get that off my chest.