Sapy wrote on 14 Dec 2021 02:34:
first of all, i would like toto disagree, I dont think we loose our siyata dishmaya when we fall. It's a struggle we did not choose, its something we are trying to work on, and that's all what hashem wants from us! We aren't bad, nor do we wanna do bad stuff, we were given this struggle, most of us before we realized that it is wrong, and hashem knows all of this.... he loves us, and cherishes our hard work, even when when we fall.
i'm not into what hashem wants or doesn't want and how he feels and when he gives you something special, but i am into the truth (certainly the way i see it); that may pick someone up and may not.
whatever siyata dishmaya means - if someone does something wrong, there is punishment in this world. he may have a harder life because of it. while it's true that all he wants from us is "to try" (as results are in his hand), he wants us to try our damndest. are we bad? therapists and dbt may say that we are doing bad stuff, but we are not bad; that also depends on lots of things, for eventually we may become bad. do we wanna do bad stuff? some of us yes, some of us no. do we wanna do bad? probably not for most of us.
i would agree that you should not get depressed and continue working, and i wish you the best shidduch for you as well.
in nauru - not depressed - do i feel good that i'm on my 5th day "clean" (from websites and hence masturbation as well, for i don't masturbate myself any longer)? somewhat. do i feel bad that i don't feel even better than that? no.
time to head to sleep here; for those of you who are still fasting, have a meaningful one (and you can be thankful that you don't live here for today, for our sunset is at least two hours after yours).