Hi guys,
I've just joined today, very glad I found this website. I am 28 years old, non-jewish but reason I am here, I am learning about judaism and considering conversion.
I literally just prayed this morning asked Hashem to help me overcome my addiction, later that day I was watching some video by rabbi and then found a link to this website on comments under the video, such a miracle!
Well, little bit about myself. I've been sober from alcohol (my another addiction), smoking and any sort of substances BH for a year and a half now! With AA program. It was a huge change in my life, I accepted Hashem in my life and became more spiritual. And then I found acting out with porn, masturbation, fantasies so much.
All my life I was obsessed with women, guys I have about 50 partners (I can't remember exact number), I went to prostitutes and massage parlors, very humiliating experience, I was spending hours online watching porn and sitting in chat rooms. And feeling shame and guilt after all that. And carrying this secret not telling anyone. But the way of my life and alcohol problems made me not really pay too much attention to that, I kind of accepted it. Until I got sober and looked at all this with sober and spiritual attitude.
I've started to go to SLAA also recently. Didn't help much yet but I am continue going. But I am here now, and I am going to take it seriously.
I want to get married and have a good family, I want to be honest with myself and other people, not hide anything ever!
Hope you guys will accept my to be with you and bless to all of us that our souls truly wants to be free.